Pirates of the Carribean

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Blue Crack Distributor
Oct 22, 2005
Just got back from the midnight showing...has anyone else seen this yet?

:hyper: I loved it sooo much
I caught a midnight showing too. I saw loads of teenagers dressed as pirates. Someone brought their flute and played a couple of songs in line at the screening I attended :coocoo:

Aaaanyway, as for the movie, I prefer the first film, but the sequel was decent. My only gripe is that the action scenes dragged on too much and easily could've been cut down (the movie is 2 hours and 35 minutes long). Despite that I thought it was entertaining. The special effects were impressive, especially on Davey Jones & crew.

Solid summer action/adventure movie :up:

Edit: There's a bonus scene shown at the end of the credits. Nothing major to the story or anything. It's not a big deal if you miss it.
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Saw a Midnight Show. Awesome. The best sequel I've seen (not counting LOTR and SW trilogies). I loved the action sequences and the fact that pretty much all the cast was back. Some of the action scenes could have been cut down a wee bit, although that as egregiously long as Kong. So far, my fave movie of the year. Current ranking: POTC, Superman, and Devil Wears Prada.

I will definitely be seeing it again. Soon. Although, I really need sleep, damn midnight show.
I loved it!!! It was such a great movie! I can't wait till the next one! The effects were amazing!

Thanks Queen Bee for the heads up on the bonus scene!!! you were right It wasn't important but it was cute. :)
I got back a while ago from seeing it with my son. We both loved it and it is very entertaining. It was nice to see that a lot of the characters from the first one got in the second one.

The makeup and/or special effects for Davey Jones and his crew were amazing like everyone has said.

There were also a couple of kids dressed like pirates in the audience. No one was playing a flute though. :lol:

Anyway it is a bit long, but hey I was watching Johnny Depp so I didn't mind. :drool:

My gripe is now we have to wait a year for the next one to come out. :scream: :mad:

Also I missed the bonus scene. :sad:
I guess I'll have to go back and watch the movie again so I can see it. :wink:
I have a special sorta goofy reason why I loved it so much, but I won't say why yet, because I don't want to spoil anything
Queen Bee said:

Aaaanyway, as for the movie, I prefer the first film, but the sequel was decent. My only gripe is that the action scenes dragged on too much and easily could've been cut down (the movie is 2 hours and 35 minutes long). Despite that I thought it was entertaining. The special effects were impressive, especially on Davey Jones & crew.

i just got back from a midnight showing, i agree totally about the action scenes. the plot was better in the first one too, overall the first one was much better. although i still found this one entertaining.

and was it just me that thought Depp was better in the first one?
One word BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There relying on humor to carry this film. The story was boring and it was 30 minutes to long. I hope they do better with the final installment.
I enjoyed it, it was too long but at the end I could have watched another hour to see what happened :wink: I prefer the first one which I thought had better humor and was more story and character driven rather than special effects driven. I think it's only natural, when the newness and novelty is no longer there after the first one, to view it through that prism and be somewhat disappointed in that way. I thought Johnny was still funny and quite enjoyable. Keira and Orlando looked gorgeous.

It's a good summer movie and total escape from the world and personal problems.

It's playing on five screens in the theater I go to, I went to the 4:45 matinee and it was very crowded. By the time I left all five of the next showings were sold out and the 9:40 was already sold out too. This movie will be huge.
You are right about it being huge. :ohmy:

'Pirates' Breaks Opening Day Records
'Dead Man's Chest' Is Full With $55.5 Million In Box Office Receipts

LOS ANGELES, July 8, 2006
Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's ChestJohnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. (Walt Disney Pictures)

(AP) Move over Darth Vader. Captain Jack Sparrow is king for a day.

Preliminary estimates released by Disney show that "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" earned $55.5 million on Friday, which would set the record for the largest one-day take at the box office. The previous record was set last year by "Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith," which grossed about $50 million.

The movie was shown on 4,133 screens, beginning at midnight Friday. Only 2004's "Shrek 2" and "Spider-Man 2" debuted on more screens.

Disney also received reports of continuous sellouts and requests to add more screens at multiplexes.

"We're obviously thrilled beyond belief. Anytime you break an industry record ... the word ecstatic comes to mind," said Chuck Viane, head of distribution at Disney.

The swashbuckling sequel is on pace to eclipse the three-day, box-office record held by "Spider-Man" in 2002 with $114.8 million.

"This goes a long way of dispelling the notion that people don't want to go to movies anymore," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of box-officer tracker Exhibitor Relations. "People aren't waiting for the DVD on this one. They are going out to see it."

Hollywood has been mired in a filmmaking slump. Last year audiences stayed away from such offerings as the action bombs "Stealth" and "The Island," and the remakes "House of Wax" and "The Bad News Bears."

Revenues this year to date are at $4.6 billion, 5 percent ahead of last year's disappointing take, though factoring in higher ticket prices, attendance is up just 1.7 percent.

At the current pace, 2006 ticket sales would come in slightly below Hollywood's average of 1.46 billion a year over the last decade.

But Dergarabedian said those fortunes could change with "Pirates."

"It's on track to make $120 million or more this weekend," he said. "It's a monumental number. It's a great place for the industry to be right now."

Preliminary three-day box-office estimates were to be released Sunday, with final figures expected Monday.

©MMVI, The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
I went at 4:15.

the movie was sold out until 7:00.

I went back at 8.

the movie was sold out until 12:35.

But so was Superman.

I think it's safe to say the box office slump might be over.
Best movie I have seen this summer and probably the best movie of the year. How about the great one liners this movie had?

"Elizabeth? Hide the rum."

"I got a jar of dirt I got a jar of dirt. And guess what's inside it"
All of the early shows were sold out, so we had to buy tickets for later and just come back.

I thought it was great!
A little overdone with the barnicles, though :wink:
And some 'goof ups' I noticed, like :hmm: How does Jack reach the beach before Will and the Commodore when they were rolling down hill on the wheel?

Mr GG and I usually sit thru the credits, but I was with friends and we didn't wait.
So, :madwife: I missed the extra scene.
Thats ok, though, since Mr GG doesn't know that I've seen it and he is going to take me sometime this wk :shh: :wink:
$132 million dollars this weekend, that's staggering.

Superman's only made 142.
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