PGP: Give Us All the Bono

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I have a bunch of Arcade Fire dvds, but their MSG show (the one that was later that same year) is now my crack, and will (hopefully) tide me over till they tour again. Not sure if we'll ever have the chance to see them perform in a small theatre again, though.

I hear that! :hug:

U2 went from a not-so-small theater Radio City Music Hall where we had so-so seats right to Madison Square Garden where we had enven worse seats!!! :grumpy:
But I was SO proud of them!!! :hyper::heart::applaud:

and please say "hi there" to sarah for me! :)

I have yet to finish catching up -- but I HOPE you're managing at work as you plan you next job move> :( :hug:sss

omg! :lol: pretty cute!:cute::lol:

IMHP I think they exaggerated Bono's nose some ... while not really
exaggerating any other feature much at all or at all.... so I think it throws the doll off.
Bruce on the other hand- is def closer and only with very light caractature.
oh have leave in a few so fast thots from what else I can remember

Tara glad you're beginning to feel better
and your cat's a trooper! :hug:

bra stuff I remember being annoyed some time in the 80's that I went from a B to a C.
I don't know exactly what I am now :lol: either a wider C or a smaller D.
Someday I will spend money on more expensive bras.
Yes I NEED to lose weight, too.

Thora - no time now to read the dream job but GOOD LUCK!!! :cheer:
Oh, I definitely laugh at a really good joke about zillions of acres of corn or something farming river.... but with respect not ignorance.

OH..... Idaho......:lol: no wonder then!

oh on the Sleeping Beauty thing not sure I was clear enough.

She wasn't pregnant then... but they were talking about her getting pregnant (I guess after she married) so they'd get a heir!

It's fun to make fun of the abundance of corn! :D

Yea, the Idaho border is only about an hour away from where I live. :lol:

Still, it's a Disney movie! It's not supposed to have references like that!
I seem to have hit that *delightful* age where the fillings I got as a kid are starting to fall out. Add that to acid reflux, which totally eats away at my teeth, and really horrible genetics (both of my parents got dentures in their 20s) and I'm basically really, really screwed in the mouth. (Not as fun as it sounds.)

I have a super duper high pain threshold, but I'm weird in that I *HATE* metal in my mouth (I avoid actual silverware whenever possible), so dentists = WHEE!

Oh I hear ya. I need to get to the dentist since FroBaby wreaked havoc on my mouth...some of MY childhood/adolescent fillings are no more, plus I have a couple wisdom teeth that need to come out. I just loathe going to the dentist so of course I'm putting it off. Bad, I know. :reject:
It's been ages since I've been to a dentist. I just can't afford it, I don't have the insurance for it. But I know I really, REALLY need to get to one :sigh:.

So when I said where I was going, the owner at job #1 cut me a check for 8 hours of work today (this happened after 3 hours) and said today was my last day. She was probably worried I would steal "her" recipes :rolleyes:

Aw. That is kind of weird she did that, yeah, but eh, well, you got paid, at least.

It's actually a really great move for me but job #1 is more of a prestigious place than #3....even though #3 has a lot of positives like more money and close to home. So I'm a little worried I'm making the wrong choice just because everyone in my field knows about #1 but no one I know has any idea about #3 but they are almost as busy. The almost part also has me worried that they aren't going to be as busy as I need them to be for my pocketbook. But I needed to do this asap because job #1 was technically full time but dropped to part time Jan-March. So I needed to tell them before our busy time comes up. I didn't want to be involved in April/May wedding tastings when I knew I wouldn't be there.

None of that made any sense right :crack:

Made perfect sense, as stated. #3 has more of what you're looking for, and while you don't know for certain how busy you'll be, it also makes sense to get yourself sorted out so you aren't overloaded and unable to fulfill your duties. I would've considered doing the same thing if I were you. As long as you did it for logical reasons, for reasons you came up with, that's the most important thing :hug:.

MA, I made sure to put in my application that I'm active on the internet in all sorts of places, and have a community of friends from all over the world who would love to follow my adventures if I'm chosen. :)

I'll let you guys know what happens, although nothing will for at least a month. :)

Cool :up: :). Wise idea.

Well, then, we'll just wait out the month or so!

Lil' CK does good - he doesnt wake up when she cries, but he now seems to want to 'delay' his bedtime since he thinks he's missing something...we figure once he sees that she does the same ol' thing, he'll be fine.

I find that really cute :cute:.

And she tends to sleep for 2-3 hrs at a clip, but since she's in our room, it isnt so bad. Whoever isnt up with her can just kinda chill in the bed and rest lol.

Sounds lovely. 2 to 3 hours, that's a short sleep window :p.
Oh my god, I just heard about the most AMAZING job opportunity. It's a 1 year contract in one of the Vancouver suburbs, and you'll get paid to go visit restaurants every day, and write about it on your blog and social media. This sounds like an AMAZING fit for me!! You have to have an established food blog, and while mine isn't well known (yet), I do have a presence there, and on FB/Twitter (as well as my personal accounts there). Could you imagine?! Oh my god I'm so excited to apply! You get an annual salary, daily stipend for meals, your living costs are taken care of (I'd have to move to this city), plus you get a year long gym membership.

Okay, I'm going to stop freaking out about this. :lol: I just found out about it on Twitter, and applications can be submitted starting this morning. Once the form is live, I'll absolutely be applying! :hyper:

Based on the posts so far on their FB page, people are very stupid and are not reading the description and are asking dumb questions. :lol: I'm sure there will be a LOT of interest, so the competition is likely going to be pretty steep. We'll see what happens! :)

AWESOME! Keep us posted!

Holy moly! that would be like a dream job! :ohmy: Sending you oceans of good luck!! :zen: :hug:

My kids JUST now got in Disneyland. :lol: We live an hour away, they left at 8 PM, got in at 1 AM. :crack:

Yeah I saw on Icelle's fb that it was full. Crazy.
Glad the girls finally got in though.

Holy crap people. Y'all were busy last night. I'm going to try to put my two cents in to what conversation I remembered.

Shopping is the suck. I'm constantly between sizes. I'm finally fitting back into my 'skinny' clothes which would be 'fat' clothes to most on here. I wore a bra at 10 so cute lacey bras are not something I can pull off. I'm D/DD. I buy support and minimizer bras. Why minimize? Because shirts never fit right. Especially if I have a waist like I do now. So I might be a medium/large in the trunk of a shirt, but XL in the mammary area. I buy my bras on line since I know the brand and size. I am in need of new ones too.

Bono's hair. Yeah, I knew it'd be big once he uncapped. He'll go broke on gel. I prefer Bono-fro to crew cut. But if he turned up at my door, I would not be picky.

Dance moms. I know I will be there soon. They exist even in daycare. I'm just not THAT kind of person to be that kind of mom. We recently had a second incident with lice. It was a mild case. I think she got it at the gym daycare. It's been a mild winter here so that has not helped for all kinds of communicable diseases. We treated it right away short of shaving her head and burning down the house. Some of the parents said awful things about us. They didn't know it was us, but they were mean and hurtful. We are not dirty people or bad parents. And I've been obsessed with combing her hair out each night to get rid of everything. People just don't think or think to care. Granted these parents have never had to deal with this. If they did, they might be a little kinder. Luckily we had the school on our side.

:-( Sorry to hear about the lice thing. And the mean parents thing. We get guilt tripped all the time because we won't spend $200/month to put our son in the professional dance company even though he auditioned and got in. Sorry we have other things to spend our money and time on. :rolleyes:

I ran 1.5 miles no pain AND saw TBE - had a nice convo with him. Apparently he's started playing sand volleyball. I'd pay GOOD MONEY to see that *pictures the Top Gun volleyball scene*
:lol: Damn JJ that pic is CREEPY!

What is it? a knit doll?

No it is most definitely NOT knit! :lol: Looks like someone sewed it.

Speaking of knit, some of the Party Train girls will remember the knitted strip I started - and asked which colour matched which band member :lol:... Well last weekend Kim got her wedding afghan, and the pics can be found here: Sometimes if You’re Really Patient You End up with an Awesome Story and You Get to Make Your Friend Cry ? whendidibecomeaknitter One of the pics is most of the strips laid out on the floor, and mine is the furthest one to the right: IMG_0828 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
omg! :lol: pretty cute!:cute::lol:

IMHP I think they exaggerated Bono's nose some ... while not really
exaggerating any other feature much at all or at all.... so I think it throws the doll off.
Bruce on the other hand- is def closer and only with very light caractature.

EVERYONE exaggerates his nose. :rolleyes:

I love prominent noses on men. Edge has a nice one too. :shifty:
Yeah I saw on Icelle's fb that it was full. Crazy.
Glad the girls finally got in though.

Once they got in at 1AM they said the park cleared out super fast as nearly everyone with kids left. :lol: It was empty from around 2-6 AM and it was AWESOME as it was only the diehards by then, no lines or anything and the park did a lot of special stuff to celebrate. They sat on a bench on Main Street and watched the sunrise, and when it did, everyone was yelling and hi-5ing and stuff. LOL. The employees were hi-5ing and congratulating everyone as they left the gates at 6AM. Anyway they said it was worth the wait to get in (for them!) HA!

I don't think I could have that dedication. There's only one thing I think I would be willing to stay up all night for. :hmm::wink:
I think it's a function of aging and weight gain.

My B days - I have normal, perky boobs. :wave:

My C days - Oh hai, I have cleavage. :flirt:

My D days - I have massive, matronly boobs. :(

And the pisser is, you can be perfectly happy in C stage, and then in the blink of an eye, before you even know it, you're in D stage. It's completely out of your control. :|

You girls who have Ds or smaller have it easy... Let's just say my size is the same as the beginning letter of a very boring opening band in Montreal and Toronto and leave it at that :lol:
AWESOME! Keep us posted!

Yeah I saw on Icelle's fb that it was full. Crazy.
Glad the girls finally got in though.

:-( Sorry to hear about the lice thing. And the mean parents thing. We get guilt tripped all the time because we won't spend $200/month to put our son in the professional dance company even though he auditioned and got in. Sorry we have other things to spend our money and time on. :rolleyes:

I ran 1.5 miles no pain AND saw TBE - had a nice convo with him. Apparently he's started playing sand volleyball. I'd pay GOOD MONEY to see that *pictures the Top Gun volleyball scene*

I got your text. Ooh la la. I had better eye candy at the gym tonight. So, some buff 20 something men and a group of women my age working out in some kind of class. No one that looked like Edge or Bono. I'd fucking kill for a youngish Bono look-alike to be working on at my gym.
Once they got in at 1AM they said the park cleared out super fast as nearly everyone with kids left. :lol: It was empty from around 2-6 AM and it was AWESOME as it was only the diehards by then, no lines or anything and the park did a lot of special stuff to celebrate. They sat on a bench on Main Street and watched the sunrise, and when it did, everyone was yelling and hi-5ing and stuff. LOL. The employees were hi-5ing and congratulating everyone as they left the gates at 6AM. Anyway they said it was worth the wait to get in (for them!) HA!

I don't think I could have that dedication. There's only one thing I think I would be willing to stay up all night for. :hmm::wink:

And that would be... ME!?!??!?!??! :wink:
Sounds like a blast, though.

I got your text. Ooh la la. I had better eye candy at the gym tonight. So, some buff 20 something men and a group of women my age working out in some kind of class. No one that looked like Edge or Bono. I'd fucking kill for a youngish Bono look-alike to be working on at my gym.

I tell ya, just seeing him makes a trip to the gym TOTALLY worth it - that pic did NOT do him justice :drool:
AWESOME! Keep us posted!

I ran 1.5 miles no pain AND saw TBE - had a nice convo with him. Apparently he's started playing sand volleyball. I'd pay GOOD MONEY to see that *pictures the Top Gun volleyball scene*

I will! :D

:laugh: Awesome! That would be a goooood sight to see!

Once they got in at 1AM they said the park cleared out super fast as nearly everyone with kids left. :lol: It was empty from around 2-6 AM and it was AWESOME as it was only the diehards by then, no lines or anything and the park did a lot of special stuff to celebrate. They sat on a bench on Main Street and watched the sunrise, and when it did, everyone was yelling and hi-5ing and stuff. LOL. The employees were hi-5ing and congratulating everyone as they left the gates at 6AM. Anyway they said it was worth the wait to get in (for them!) HA!

I don't think I could have that dedication. There's only one thing I think I would be willing to stay up all night for. :hmm::wink:

Aww, that sounds so amazing and magical! :love: Glad they had a great time.
I love that you tried. You should just ask him. "I think you are hot and look like the Edge. Can I take a photo for my rabid U2 friends?"

That's it, I'm looking for a U2 gym boyfriend. With my luck, I'd find Adam Doppelganger. No offense Drea and CK!

There was an Edge look alike that used to take my train. I called him Sleepy Mike Lowell (3rd baseman of the Red Sox a few years ago). But he could be sleepy Edge. WHEE. I have an endorphin high right now.
And that would be... ME!?!??!?!??! :wink:
Sounds like a blast, though.

I tell ya, just seeing him makes a trip to the gym TOTALLY worth it - that pic did NOT do him justice :drool:


I saw a Joshua Tree Bono lookalike one time outside a Starbucks. He was standing around talking to someone and I felt like such a perv trying not stare.:lol: But he really did look like him. Jeans and tshirt, hair in ponytail, and his face and build were right on. :ohmy:
I'm still waiting for MrC to take a pic of a guy at his work that he swears could double for Zoo Bono. :madwife:

I saw a Joshua Tree Bono lookalike one time outside a Starbucks. He was standing around talking to someone and I felt like such a perv trying not stare.:lol: But he really did look like him. Jeans and tshirt, hair in ponytail, and his face and build were right on. :ohmy:

I'm still waiting for MrC to take a pic of a guy at his work that he swears could double for Zoo Bono. :madwife:

Having those people around could be verrry dangerous. But at the gym, my husband is pretty safe. No one is going to be rolling up on me in my sweats.
I know, I'd love to be out and about, at, say, a bar, or be at work, or the library, or whatever, and have some hot guy, especially one who looks like a celebrity I like, come walking in. That never happens :grumpy:.

Edit: Scratch that, it did once. My family went out to Denny's one time for New Year's, and the waiter we had had kind of an Alex Kapranos (from Franz Ferdinand) thing going on. He was also really nice. And a really good waiter!

I love prominent noses on men. Edge has a nice one too. :shifty:

I usually never even think to pay much attention to their noses much :lol:. But now that I think about it, I do seem to like men with a bit more noticeable noses, too... Or at least what might be seen as "average-looking" ones.

This is not U2 related, but I did see someone who could've passed as a celebrity's twin once....

When I was twelve, I got my tonsils out, and I swear the surgeon looked like Adrian Paul. Even my mom says so. :reject:
I know, I'd love to be out and about, at, say, a bar, or be at work, or the library, or whatever, and have some hot guy, especially one who looks like a celebrity I like, come walking in. That never happens :grumpy:.

Edit: Scratch that, it did once. My family went out to Denny's one time for New Year's, and the waiter we had had kind of an Alex Kapranos (from Franz Ferdinand) thing going on. He was also really nice. And a really good waiter!

I usually never even think to pay much attention to their noses much :lol:. But now that I think about it, I do seem to like men with a bit more noticeable noses, too... Or at least what might be seen as "average-looking" ones.

Both Bono and Edge have much better than average noses IMO. :wink: I always think it's funny that Bono's nose gets all the attention, because Edge has the bigger nose! But Bono's got that unmistakable shape to it which gets the attention, sorry Edge. :D
I love that you tried. You should just ask him. "I think you are hot and look like the Edge. Can I take a photo for my rabid U2 friends?"

That's it, I'm looking for a U2 gym boyfriend. With my luck, I'd find Adam Doppelganger. No offense Drea and CK!

There was an Edge look alike that used to take my train. I called him Sleepy Mike Lowell (3rd baseman of the Red Sox a few years ago). But he could be sleepy Edge. WHEE. I have an endorphin high right now.

HAHA! That was actually suggested a couple times by more than one person here and in real life. Or something like "I told my friend you look like The Edge and she doesn't believe me. Can I get a pic?" But he's a little shy, a lot Christian and a little conceited. No WAY I could ask him for a pic. The only option is to get a better phone camera :shrug:

I'm still waiting for MrC to take a pic of a guy at his work that he swears could double for Zoo Bono. :madwife:


Having those people around could be verrry dangerous. But at the gym, my husband is pretty safe. No one is going to be rolling up on me in my sweats.

Yeah, I usually only see him when I'm lifting or doing light cardio, NOT when I'm all red faced and smelly. I save that for the CardioCinemaRoom, where he never goes.
I was going at 5.2 on the treadmill today and he came up to me "You've got a pretty good pace going" I said "This is slow. I'm nursing a hip injury" He said "wow, that's slow? I'd hate to see fast!" I impressed him :D Of course he could bench press 4 of me.
Here's a pic of me and my friend/training partner from the crazy bike race we did on Sunday. At each stop there was a "physical challenge".


We took 10th place for women, 110th over all (out of 339 teams)
Edge was on CNN?!

Aw. I wanna see it!

Like the picture of you and your friend, Zu, looks like a lot of fun! Which one are you?

(10th place isn't bad :). And 110 out of 339 is still pretty good as well. Congrats!)


This is not U2 related, but I did see someone who could've passed as a celebrity's twin once....

When I was twelve, I got my tonsils out, and I swear the surgeon looked like Adrian Paul. Even my mom says so. :reject:

That name sounds familiar, but I'm not sure who that is, exactly.

That happened with my mom and I once. We were at a Target somewhere...I can't remember where now, I want to say...South Dakota? And there was a guy at the cashier line who looked A LOT like Clay Aiken. Which may not be a big deal now, but this was back around the time my sister had a big thing for him shortly after his time on "Idol" and such, so my family found it really funny in that regard.

Good to see you-how are you feeling, by the way?

Both Bono and Edge have much better than average noses IMO. :wink: I always think it's funny that Bono's nose gets all the attention, because Edge has the bigger nose! But Bono's got that unmistakable shape to it which gets the attention, sorry Edge. :D

Yeah, his seems to "stick out" a bit more, or something, LOL. I can't say I've ever paid that close of attention to Edge's, but I know his is a bit longer, and Bono's I think is a bit wider.

...that sounds very, very, VERY wrong all of a sudden...
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