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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Oct 14, 2005
San Mateo
Anyone give a listen yet to their new album Dark Passion Play? Not bad even though they got rid of Tarja.
Justin24 said:
they got rid of Tarja.

Seriously, this still pisses me off.

This is the main reason I have not looked into it. Part of me wants to hear what they sound like without her now, but I'm still holding out.
Bunbury said:
I'll buy it since I'm a sucker for European metal :D
Yea the Tarja thing still stings. I will be seeing them live in November minus Tarja :|

Let us know how both the album and the show are, I'm interested in hearing.

According to a couple of my friends, they essentially just sound like a Lacuna Coil or Evanescence type clone now without Tarja. :(
I didn't care for Nightwish when I saw them a few years ago, back with Tarja. But I wasn't familiar with their stuff beforehand (or after for that matter). I had seen Lacuna Coil a few times and liked them and the 'Comalies' CD. :shrug:

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