Nickname Confessionals!

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Aug 19, 2004
My real world name is Tim.

Anyway, my nick names have evolved over time.

It started as T-Bone

Then eventually morphed into T-Boner

Then, Timmy-the-Bone

And in the past few months my new nickname has been, "Timmy Long-bone"

Anyone got any funny nicknames?
I got drunk with my friends one night and ended up spilling some laundry detergent on my jeans. A couple nights later, I wore the same jeans out without washing them first. The place had black lights, and a splotch of detergent on my jeans looked rather "interesting". My new nickname was Stain...except that there was another word before that one. :lol: :eek:
Piebles Piebleson

Not very funny, though. :slant:

I want to know why BC was drinking laundry detergent. :scratch:
I don't know how it derived from Harlow, but about 4 years ago, people were calling me Hooloo.

I don't know.

I named my truck though.

The Black Pearl :drool:
I grew up near a lot of farms.
Liked to go 'cow-tipping'
So....Cow Patty

and then of course there was a country song "Cow Patty" when I was in high school, so I got to hear "Yippee I Yeah, Cow Patty" in the halls.
My brother & I (31 & 34, respectively) have just been newly monikered by our 3-year-old niece. I have absolutely NO idea why, but Sid has been saddled with "Uncle Poop" and I am hereforth to be known as "Sun". (Sofi, of course, is delighted that I now call her "Moon". :D ) Even Sofi's big brother, Cameron, has taken to calling Sid "Uncle Poop".... I figure it won't be long before he picks up little sister's habit of calling me "Sun". :huh: :cute:

I also had a nickname applied to me in high school that, to this day, only 2 other people on Earth are allowed to utter - and only once a year, if then. :evil: My cousin Carmen (Sofi & Cameron's mom, who's more like my big sister) & my best friend may, on rare occassions, call me "Spunky". :grumpy: That came from a guy that I used to work with who I had SUCH the hots for. Carmen & I were in the store where he & I worked one day, and out of the blue he called me that. Carmen repeated it in front of Susan one day, who picked it up & actually got one of my teachers in school to start using it. For the following 2 years, Mr. Thomas only referred to me (even in class) as some version of "Spunky", a la Rob Schneider on SNL: Spunkmeister, Spunkster, etc.

While I have to admit it's kind of cute and even sort of accurate.....this is the face you'll get if you call me Spunky: :eyebrow:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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when i was a child my younger sister started calling me nellie because i snitched alot like nellie from little house on the prairie. then as we got older she shortened it to nells. to this day she still calls me nells:heart:
Dunno if they are funny.

Real Name is Daniel

I get called Almond (my last name)
Rahhmond (cause my cat bit me on the head once...long story)
Armond Tanzerian (simpsons episode)

I think my family are the only people who call me Daniel.
I had some friends who used to call me Nelly...and then that damn rapper came along and stole it. :angry:
Candy Cane

Purse ( I have no idea why) My whole family and a few friends call me this which started with my older brother.:shrug:
Pris (short for Priscilla)
MONZILLA my best friends younger brother could not pronounce my name so he decided to call me Monzilla and it has forever stuck!
My younger brother, Jonny who is 19, has a host of nicknames. The one that is used most often is a nickname that he gave himself. He is big into lifting weights and is often found in front of a mirror admiring his chest muscles. He then started introducing himself to people as "Jonny Big-Chest". Needless to say, that's what we now call him.

He has some other funny nick names too. When we were kids, we used to go on road trips with our uncle. Jonny had to stop frequently to use the bathroom. My uncle started commenting on how small his blatter was and how his bladder could only hold 1 cc (cc: cubic centileter used for measuring volume in syringes). He was then given the name "Jonny 1 cc". I still call him that to this day(along with Jonny big-chest). Whenever he has to use the can, I make sure to call him Jonny 1cc.
My sister couldn't (or wouldn't) say Karen, so she called me Dewey. My family would sit her down and tell her "Say K" and she would. Then they'd tell her "say Ren" and she would. Then they would tell her to put it all together and "say KA-REN"). She would say DEWEY! She would stand at the screen door calling for me when I was outside "oooohhh Ooohhhhh Ooohhhhh Dewey!".

My high school friends called me Care or Care-K.
My real name is Lies....

My mom always has and still calls me Liesy, or Liesje (leesha), which would be the proper Dutch way

When I was little, I was Tookiebutton

A few people call me Lies but pronounce it with a harder s (like leeeezzz instead of leeees) which I don't mind

My great uncle John is kinda crazy even though he's old, and since I don't see him much, he calls me Lisa Linda instead of Lies Alaine. He used to do it by accident and now he still does it b/c he thinks it's hilarious

My boyfriend calls me Babycakes :reject:

This is kinda brother's name is Andrew, but only my grandma calls him that and everyone else calls him Drew. When he was little, my mom would sometimes call him Jerusalem just for emphasis, like if he was being bad, she'd shout "JE-RU-SA-LEM!" One day at the grocery store he was being his usual toddler self and jumping around. He was almost jumping out of the cart and my mom yelled "Jerusalem! Stop that!" and everyone turned and gave us weird looks like, "who names their kid that?"
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<---- This is actually one two separate groups of friends have called me at different times...first some college friends, then some "real world" work friends.

My real name is Megan but I go by Meg pretty much.

Others include:
Meggo-the-Eggo (my least favorite childhood nickname :mad: )
Meggie (VERY select group of EXTREMELY close friends)
Widget (my mom's pet name for me) real name is Elizabeth...but I mainly been called Liz.

Other nicknames have included the following: Dizzy Miss Lizzy

Lizzie Borden (One time was 7th or 8th grade and it was after me and the rest of the class watched something about Lizzie Borden)


LWC (I work for Loews Cineplex and the container holding the fries/chicken tenders/hotdog combos has the stands for Look's What replace the Look's with Liz)


Lizzie Wizzie (One time thing too)

Mash Potatos (I had keep an eye on a plate of mash potatos one time at an Old Country Buffet.)

Recently I've been called Laquisha...don't remember why :shrug:

Those are the ones that I remember...but I have a lot more nicknames :huh:
People at work call me JR (jay-arrr, not junior). I have no R initial, though. Figure that one out.

A couple girls at work have called me Jer-bear before (started when we had a girl named Kerry working there, and people called her Ker (care)-bear... and then they made the transition) (my girlfriend hasn't let me live that one down, let me tell you, she bugs me with it every now and then)

Then run of the mill stuff for Jeremy: Jerome, Jeremiah, Jer, etc...

Then there was a time back in public school where I was 'Penguin boy' due to my love for the Pittsburgh Penguins... we had a bunch of that kinda stuff, hockey/sports related... Nothing huge, though.
My parents used to call me Weezy. They stopped.

I used to get called everything that rhymes with Anna. Anyone who tries to call me spanner these days will get punched in the head :happy:

I now get called Annie or An (as in the word 'an' because everyone I know is lazy).
:yes: thank you, yes it does. fuckers. let me tell you a story. i'm going to use it in court one day to get myself out of a lot of trouble, if i ever end up in some. i was anguished at lawson public swimming pool, aged 9. or 10? anyway, it was swimming carnival day. i entered the backstroke. about the only race i had hopes of ever getting a place in. so the race starts. i got of to a good start, not having a clue what position i was in. then i hear this faint 'go anna...goanna...go anna...goanna!' and applause and laughter. confused, i stopped swimming to realise the boys in year 6 had got the whole school cheering my name because it was funny to them to call me goanna!

That sucks Angela!! :hug:

Mine were:

Screamin' Mimi (Thanks to National Lampoon's Vacation, the rollercoaster at WallyWorld)
Meemer Bean (??? I have no idea why, one of my friends just started calling me that)
Angela Harlem said:

Anyone who tries to call me spanner these days will get punched in the head :happy:

I seem to remember calling you anna spanner wanner tanner or something recently and you didn't punch me

Please don't punch me :sad:

Re my nicknames, I generally get called Bammo or Bammers (it's an abbreviation of my surname)

I have one friend who calls me Bega. My name is Lu :grumpy:

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