Newbie - tips?

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War Child
Nov 25, 2004

The Edge has inspired me to learn the guitar - well actually that was about 2 years ago and now the equipment has been gathering dust - this iwll be like my 5th attempt to learn!

I wanna start with a basic U2 tune - any ideas? Just something which is mad eup of basic chords and will be easy to follow.

The Guitar I have is a bit like the Gibson Les Paul Edge uses (for 'One' etc) so a song that suits that sorta sound...

Desire is a great simple song to learn -- only 3 chords!i'd say start with that, then go to Sunday Bloody Sunday -- another classic U2 tune. just remember to keep on trying to learn new songs by heart and your gutiar playing will keep improving
U2phan said:
WOW GIBSON LES PAUL! great guitar, wish i had something half-decent

Sunday Bloody Sunday, One, and chords for Desire

save WTSHNN for a while

He said it was like a Gibson Les Paul, I'd imagine it's a copy (maybe an Epiphone?)
I wouldnt spend that much on a Gibson - especially considering the one I have had for all these years has sat around doing nothing!
I would say SBS, all I want is you, Desire is a definitely, and Angel of Harlem.

U2phan said:
WOW GIBSON LES PAUL! great guitar, wish i had something half-decent

:yes: same goes here
Where I can find the chords/tabs?

I'm looking for a decent site with U2 tabs.

Gimme your e mail and I'll give you the link to the old U2 guitar archive that you can't access anymore :wink: Unfortunatly it doesn't have any songs from the last 2 albums, but it has some increadibly accurate tabs from the Feedback days through Pop.
Play some easy songs first, then go for the harder ones. Oh, and if you find a solo too hard to play note-by-note, just learn the general idea and then play the rest of the solo improv. I only know each note in a solo for one song (Kite), but I've been playing for nearly ten years, so that's not really an excuse. Every other solo I just improvise.
IrishDawg said:
Gimme your e mail and I'll give you the link to the old U2 guitar archive that you can't access anymore :wink: Unfortunatly it doesn't have any songs from the last 2 albums, but it has some increadibly accurate tabs from the Feedback days through Pop.

IrishDawg said:
Gimme your e mail and I'll give you the link to the old U2 guitar archive that you can't access anymore :wink: Unfortunatly it doesn't have any songs from the last 2 albums, but it has some increadibly accurate tabs from the Feedback days through Pop.

Could you send me the site too please? :D
The first one I taught myself was Sunday Bloody Sunday, the Angel of Harlem.

(I also learned to play Where the Streets Have No Name at twice the necessary speed and shredded my fingers many times, before it occurred to me that this isn't how Edge does it! I hope you have more sense than I did then, but thought I'd mention it just in case.)
I'm in the same boat - trying to dust the guitar off and learn some stuff. If anyone's got any help for meeee I need it, lol!
IrishDawg said:
Gimme your e mail and I'll give you the link to the old U2 guitar archive that you can't access anymore :wink: Unfortunatly it doesn't have any songs from the last 2 albums, but it has some increadibly accurate tabs from the Feedback days through Pop.

hope im not to late...
me2 please
thanks in advance
the rockin edge said:
I think sbs was the first U2 song i learned, pretty easy :)

The live version is easy, but the studio is a little harder, at least how they have the tab written out in the 80-90 greatest hits tab book, with all the mutings, and they complicate the solo.
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