My friend the Soldier

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Oct 14, 2005
San Mateo
Please pray for my friend Sgt. Joseph Martin. He will be heading back to iraq for another tour. 14 months he will be away. He was supposed to be home in time for the holidays but the changed that, and will be shipping out the beginning of next year. He is a transportation driver and is always at risk from the IED's. Please pray or what ever you do, for him and the fellow service men and woman of the united states.
Will do, and I also have a good friend in Afghanistan who is on tour until April who I hope will make it back safely. I sent 3 boxes of goodies for my friend and his group for the holidays. I feel for all the men and women serving and keep them all in my thoughts and prayers.
Will do! There was a nursing student when I was in the hospital who worked with me, and her boyfriend is serving in Afghanistan.
I think of my friends who are over there everyday.
Justin, he is lucky to have a friend like you to remind us to remember these brave people.
Good Luck to him and all that serve :hug:
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