my ex is screwing with my head

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Sweet Tart

Apr 14, 2002
i am having big ex problems. every 3 months or so he changes his mind on what type of relationship he wants. one minute he says it won't work next he says he wants me back and that we should do the long distance thing for a while til someone moved somewhere. now i found out that he has been dating a person that i considered a friend for about 3 weeks and now he wants to just be my friend.

:scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

i hate men....what's with all the mind games. he finally got what he wanted from me ( for me to want him back and move home to be with him) and now he says he doesn't want that and he just wants to be friends right now.....RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! what the f#$k does that mean? right now?

i'm thinking right now means til things cool down with the other one....or the single life isn't fun anymore. this is riduculous. but unfortunately i still love him. :sigh:

i'm so confused. :huh:
I've been in the same situation, and yeah, that's not cool at all...
don't let his indecisiveness rule you. He was a jerk and he doesn't have the right to play with your emotions that way...
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Sweet Tart said:
... unfortunately i still love him. :sigh:

He knows that, and he'll keep taking advantage of that love until you decide not to let him anymore. That doesn't mean that you have to stop loving him immediately. But for your own sake you need to let him know that you will not allow yourself to continue to be treated with such disrespect, and break it off as much as possible. I know, easier said than done. Good luck. :hug:
He's a player, or he's just really indecisive. Either way, you can't live your life hanging onto the hope of him, let his problems rule your life- you need to be your own person. As long as you keep coming back to him, he's gunna keep using you whenever it's convenient for him, or when he gets bored or changes his mind. You need to give him an ultimatum- all or nothing. The feelings are hard to deal with, I know, but there's light at the end of the tunnel!:hug:
thanks guys.

my head is so screwed up now i don't know what to do. i guess i can't blame him for the way he's acting now. i pushed him away for the past 3 months cause i didn't want to get hurt again and now i'm hurting anyway.

my head is telling me to give up on him cause it hurts too much but my heart is telling me not to give up.

why does life have to be so difficult? :sad:

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