MTV...the Peter Pan network

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

dream wanderer

Aug 7, 2000
Well...I saw the show and rather than add another thread concerning U2s presence there...because there are ample threads on that subject...pick one and make your voice known

This is about the show and MTV in general..

The show...

In the begining the award shows were funny...cutting edge. They were making fun of other awards shows and didn't take themselves seriously... The last few years they have almost become the pushing the surprises..they are taking themselves seriously...and it sucks..
It seems to me that MTV is trying *to hard* to go back to the glory days of the awards by bringing in raw humor...and its not working. They are trying to force something...the audience knows it and they are responding in like manner...and we know it. They should relax and let it flow...and evolve...not try to re-capture the 80s. The last good award show I can remember is about 93...although 97 when U2 last played had its moments...

MTV does not age with its stays stuck in a moment...literally. When it first started I would say the audience was not was more geared to later high school, college age and young adults. Now it is geared to younger teen-agers...although the older teen-agers are acknowledged...(Limb Bizkit and so forth)...
We shouldn't expect it to be geared to bands like U2...even if U2 does have it share of young fans..and some of those fans might even respect U2 without listening to their music the same way they might respect the Stones or Led Zeplen...because young people are into hip-hop and teen pop (that ryhmes...somebody write a protest song!
and that is where MTV is going to stay...for the time our anger at them for losing credibiltiy (they really weren't supposed to have credibility to begin with...) is misdirected...they are just feeding their market...its not going to feed us (and I include the young U2 fans in that) and they are not going to grow up.

dream wanderer
MTV has no credibility as a music channel IMO. When you recall what it used to be it's sad to see what it has become, and for me it's hard to accept. I don't watch it anymore, other than that so-called awards show last night.

"Walk On, stay safe tonight"
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