Ms. World Violence

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The Fly
Oct 29, 2000
Memphis, TN, 38104
One more reason that fundamentalism of any type is a problem. The First Amendment should be a "law" in all religions and with all peoples.

I'm a Christian by faith (weak example, but faith nonetheless) may say what you will about my Leader. I can handle it. So can He, in terms of my perspective.

To view this from a totally humanitarian and almost "agnostic" point of view, religion is subjective. I try to think of it that way when someone "insults" my beliefs. Killing people in the name of "God" is stupid, repulsive, and hateful. I DOUBT that those are the traits of the "God" that all religions seek to serve.

sorry..had to vent.
i think this is also another nail in the coffin for beauty pageants in general. terms of general does it bode for freedom of the press?
In my oppinion, being a Muslim when I see stuff like what has just happend I get frusturated. Only because it is not being followed correctly...

Stoning, or death penalty is a dangerous and touchy subject.... There are always circumstances and situations that play a role in them, unless u take those into consideration, the so called Law isn't being just... These circumstances usually prevent anyone from being punished harshly...

However, I do believe that the Sharia Law does work in some situations... Our Islamic Laws are actually leniant to an extent (when used properly), the reason why their are harsh punishments, is so that know one commits the crime, and in many cases it works in its own ways...

The Sharia law has many just aspects to it that is usually overlooked when used, and that is frusturating..

What can you do, harsh reality is, there is way to much pent up agression in this world...


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