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Jan 10, 2001
I saw JackAss finally.

I laughed a bit, but throughout the movie.. all I kept thinking was..

"what a bunch of stupid guys!!"

Has anyone else seen it?
see, the key to seeing stupid movies like this one
is to live in a city like mine, where the concession stand
at the movie theater has a full bar...:up:
I rented it not long ago and watched it with Dad.

BC's Dad: Did you really think I'd like this?

BC: Yes! Don't you think it's funny?

BC's Dad: Well...some of it...but most if it is just stupid!

BC: You sound old when you talk like that. Don't get old on me, Dad!!

BC's Dad: If being old is thinking that stuff is stupid, so be it!

Johnny Will You Marry Me??

Johnny Knoxville said:
Where's Lady Lemon? She loves me.

The rest of you

:down: :down: :down:

I love men who like to be awash in a sea of poo. Looks like some people lack a sense of humor.

Of course I will marry you my sweet lemon

~LadyLemon~ said:
I love men who like to be awash in a sea of poo. Looks like some people lack a sense of humor.


Well at least someone appreciates good humor :sexywink: :kiss:

What a bunch of snobs!!
My friend wants to be adopted by the Margera family, that way she can help Bam kick his dad's ass every day of the week!
Oh come on...get a sense of humor! Jackass is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Its not supposed to be good, its supposed to be laugh your ass off funny.

How can you not laugh at a wee man dressed like a traffic cone harrasing the Japanese? Or a guy with a bottle rocket up his butt? That's not funny? How about Johnny K. getting beaten silly by Butterbean in the middle of a clothing store :lol: And don't get me started on the doctor who advises that you should never speak of finding a toy car in your bum. :lmao:

Bonochick and LadyLemon know what's does Sicy, my Jackass loving sidekick :up: :laugh:

:heart:Johnny Knoxville:heart:
Bono's American Wife said:

How can you not laugh at a wee man dressed like a traffic cone harrasing the Japanese? Or a guy with a bottle rocket up his butt? That's not funny? How about Johnny K. getting beaten silly by Butterbean in the middle of a clothing store :lol: And don't get me started on the doctor who advises that you should never speak of finding a toy car in your bum. :lmao:

The guy dancing in a thong was hilarious, and so was the panda episode.

The fat guy coming out of the pool, in his underwear made me :lmao: and earlier in the movie when he breaks the seat and rips his pants in front of the old man.

I've never seen the show, and it was recommended to me by some friends, who thought it was the most hilarious thing ever--so I had my hopes really high.

It reminded me of a college version of American's funniest home videos.
How about when Brandon ate his own pee cone? :sexywink:

*poo kisses to bonochick, lady lemon, bono's american wife, sicy and madamc*

mmm...poo kisses

What about the airhorn golf? Or the dump in the hardware store?

Hey, is anyone in the mood to party?

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