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What the hell is going on here?

Too many U2 surprises to comprehend in the past few weeks...

Mercy sounds awesome. Bono's voice is in better form now than the demo, methinks. As far as the new lyrics go, I think that's good since they seem less hokey now (It's "you put the blue back in my eye" instead of love, which I think is a change for the better.), the chorus might be a little wordy to carry the weight of a big hook, but it sounds fine to me.

I liked "love" better. :sad: But then it made sense in context of the original lyric, so until we see what the final lyric is, I won't worry about it. And I won't worry about it anyway because I'm just so happy to hear them playing it. :loveshower:
I think Mercy is definitely fitting for SOA. Of material we've heard, all of these would be at home on SOA:

Soon (and we still don't know if it is only part of a song)
North Star
Glastonbury (depending on the recording style)

We also have the titles like 'Thank You For the Day', 'Pilgrim's Lack of Progress', 'If I Could Live My Life Again', 'Lead Me in the Way I Should Go', etc. From the last couple album cycles, some of which could fit in. And of course material we don't know about or that came up in the past year (although the chatter on their writing since October '09 seems to be in the rock album category).

Come on U2, reward your fans, and give the world a fully realized concept instead of backing down before release like the last 3. As much as I love a lot of the material we've gotten, the ideas behind the albums of this decade would have been so much better than what the world heard.

ATYCLB, back to basics with Levitate, TGBHF, OK not a big concept at all, but still better.
HTDAAB, U2 as guitar 'garage' band as the early versions indicate, themes of personal deconstruction, without too many cooks in the kitchen
NLOTH, an album of 'future hymns' with hand-played/African influences

We got to see glimpses of these buried in commercial production and/or over-thinking/cooking, let's see the concept of SOA actual come out, :pray:.
:doh: I know the DL song, and the story about Bono recording vocals for it, but I had no idea those songs were one in the same.
I think Mercy is definitely fitting for SOA. Of material we've heard, all of these would be at home on SOA:

Soon (and we still don't know if it is only part of a song)
North Star
Glastonbury (depending on the recording style)

Agree with everything except Glastonbury. I don't see how that one can fit into the SoA theme, lyrically or sonically.
The lyrics to Glastonbury play on the myth that Joseph of Arimithea traveled there, which is why people make pilgrimages there, as well as tapping into the 'musical piligrimages' people take there today. I think that the way its bein pkayed live would of course stick out like a sore thumb, but given the right studio recording, it could be one of the energetic tracks the band needs to be convinced to release SOA.
Even though it's not as "meditative" as Soon or EBW, I think Mercy would work like a charm on SOA, especially as the last track. Think about it: if the album is about a pilgrimage, this could be the destination.

EDIT: With EBW as the first single and Mercy as a follow-up, I actually wouldn't be that shocked if SOA does better sales-wise than NLOTH.
It's tough to say how anything fits in sonically when we've not heard a proper recording of any Songs of Ascent song.

That's true, but I'm basing my comment off of Bono's description of the album as quiet and meditative.

I liken it to Zooropa, which apparently could have included such big "rock" songs as Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, but the band decided to toss off all of the big guitar songs and keep it something electronic, intimate and, most importantly, cohesive. I think it was a ballsy and intelligent move and it paid off in spades. I hope they have the same train of thought with SoA.
Hmmm, I'm liking the new tweaked Mercy. The chorus is a bit different.

At least in the end we will have both versions to compare.
Wow, I'm amazed. I never thought the band would still be working on Mercy!

It sounds great, better than in the demo.

It wasn't a fucking demo!! When are people going to stop repeating this crap? Mercy was dropped from the album VERY late in the game at the same time as Fast Cars (thanks to Larry, per the Blender article). Please explain to me how the latter is finished but Mercy isn't.

You know what I'm amazed about? That you think some muffled recording from outside a stadium during a rehearsal is better than a completed track that the band leaked out themselves. Ridiculous.

If this song actually gets released on an album, regardless of its quality, we're going to have to watch a parade of jokers telling us how the song is finally "finished", especially if it gets truncated down to 5 minutes or under. Which would be a big mistake in my opinion.

That version from 2004 is REAL, will continue to be REAL (if not official) even if we get a newer version and while what they're rehearsing sounds promising in that the DNA of the song seems to be intact, I'm going to be surprised if anything can be improved on other than some of the lyrics.
It wasn't a fucking demo!! When are people going to stop repeating this crap? Mercy was dropped from the album VERY late in the game at the same time as Fast Cars (thanks to Larry, per the Blender article). Please explain to me how the latter is finished but Mercy isn't.

You know what I'm amazed about? That you think some muffled recording from outside a stadium during a rehearsal is better than a completed track that the band leaked out themselves. Ridiculous.

If this song actually gets released on an album, regardless of its quality, we're going to have to watch a parade of jokers telling us how the song is finally "finished", especially if it gets truncated down to 5 minutes or under. Which would be a big mistake in my opinion.

That version from 2004 is REAL, will continue to be REAL (if not official) even if we get a newer version and while what they're rehearsing sounds promising in that the DNA of the song seems to be intact, I'm going to be surprised if anything can be improved on other than some of the lyrics.

Spot on.

I am very excited by the PROMISE that this snippet shows, but as you say, cannot make a definitive verdict until the full new version is heard.
I agree. You cannot tell much about Mercy from that rehearsal clip. I am a big fan of Mercy and absolutely love the lyrics so am hoping the band don't change the song too much. Hopefully they play the song live soon.
Easy there, it's just a bad quality rehearsal recording. :shrug:

I'm reserving judgement 'till it's played live.
It wasn't a fucking demo!! When are people going to stop repeating this crap? Mercy was dropped from the album VERY late in the game at the same time as Fast Cars (thanks to Larry, per the Blender article). Please explain to me how the latter is finished but Mercy isn't.

You know what I'm amazed about? That you think some muffled recording from outside a stadium during a rehearsal is better than a completed track that the band leaked out themselves. Ridiculous.

If this song actually gets released on an album, regardless of its quality, we're going to have to watch a parade of jokers telling us how the song is finally "finished", especially if it gets truncated down to 5 minutes or under. Which would be a big mistake in my opinion.

That version from 2004 is REAL, will continue to be REAL (if not official) even if we get a newer version and while what they're rehearsing sounds promising in that the DNA of the song seems to be intact, I'm going to be surprised if anything can be improved on other than some of the lyrics.

nice. i agree with you. though my copy of Mercy sounds a little underdone (for lack of a better word), but that might be the quality after being passed on so many times as an mp3 (doesn't the quality get worse each time).

i must emphasise however that i absolutely love the Mercy i have, and i think it has the potential to "save" U2 in a way.
The Mercy we have is (allegedly) simply taken from a cassette recording, hence the poor quality.

But it remains one of my alltime faves. Kinda like Bad part 3 (assuming AIWIY is Bad part 2). I reserve judgement on the live take but I struggle to see how the 2004 version can be improved. But that's just me.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I got home and read that they soundchecked Mercy...awesome news, just hope I get to hear it live in Syd on dec 14. It's my favourite U2 song from the last 10 years or so, can't believe they haven't released it yet.

It's obviously been changed slightly but most of the song seems intact which is good, and the changes done sound too bad.

From what I can make out it they seem to have replaced "love hears me when I lie, love puts the blue back in my eye" with something like "you wanna kill me, I wanna die" or maybe "you wouldn't kill me, I wouldn't die"...sounds interesting.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I got home and read that they soundchecked Mercy...awesome news, just hope I get to hear it live in Syd on dec 14. It's my favourite U2 song from the last 10 years or so, can't believe they haven't released it yet.

It's obviously been changed slightly but most of the song seems intact which is good, and the changes done sound too bad.

From what I can make out it they seem to have replaced "love hears me when I lie, love puts the blue back in my eye" with something like "you wanna kill me, I wanna die" or maybe "you wouldn't kill me, I wouldn't die"...sounds interesting.

To me it sounds like "you won't kill me, I won't die" which, to go off topic, I interpret as a "I love you and you love me, our love is everlasting"-kind of thing.

Ali won't kill Bono, she loves him too much (remember the "You always loved me too much" lyric?) Bono won't die he's a legendary rockstar,
and once he inevitably does so physically, his memory will be with everyone who matters to him - family, friends and fans - for all eternity.
Not to upset my fellow PLEBAns or anything, just saying that's how I see it.
It wasn't a fucking demo!! When are people going to stop repeating this crap? Mercy was dropped from the album VERY late in the game at the same time as Fast Cars (thanks to Larry, per the Blender article). Please explain to me how the latter is finished but Mercy isn't.

You know what I'm amazed about? That you think some muffled recording from outside a stadium during a rehearsal is better than a completed track that the band leaked out themselves. Ridiculous.

If this song actually gets released on an album, regardless of its quality, we're going to have to watch a parade of jokers telling us how the song is finally "finished", especially if it gets truncated down to 5 minutes or under. Which would be a big mistake in my opinion.

That version from 2004 is REAL, will continue to be REAL (if not official) even if we get a newer version and while what they're rehearsing sounds promising in that the DNA of the song seems to be intact, I'm going to be surprised if anything can be improved on other than some of the lyrics.
Finally, a comment which a fully agree about this possible renaissance for "Mercy".
Loving the new end to the chorus though. The ba-ba ba-ba drum thing. And the bit where they do it twice is just going to sound :drool: on record
So, we are expecting to hear this at one of the 2 Zurich shows? Surely it will pop up.

Those new videos make it sound like the little lead riff is now Terry in the underworld (Bono says Terry at one point), there seems to be a nice keys part now on this song. It seems a bit more structured, and they have lopped out a few lines from the verses.

Still need a good quality version to pop up before full judgement can be made
Thanfully, the song seems pretty much intact, with the exception of a few lyrics and with the chorus. I like the end of the new chorus.
I'm not very fond with the way the end the song and I didn't like the fact that the bridge after the chorus disappeared, making the transition verse -> chorus too abrupt now. But I'm gonna wait until I hear a quality clip.
It still needs a lot of work IMO. Bonos OOhs at the end of the song ruin it for me (Bono needs the let the ooooohs and ohhhhhhhhs go. He used them too much on NLOTH and spoilt a couple of songs on that album because of it.) Also wheres the lyric "I'm ripping the stitches".

I love the song though. It has heaps of potential :drool:
Those new videos make it sound like the little lead riff is now Terry in the underworld (Bono says Terry at one point), there seems to be a nice keys part now on this song.

Sounds to me like Edge is playing the guitar riff and that Terry Lawless is playing the 90s house keyboard bits. In any case, it all sounds good.

Still need a good quality version to pop up before full judgement can be made.

Agreed, but it's a good start.
Here's one thing I can judge from the leaked rehearsals: they've dropped the "ripping the stitches" part before the chorus. Big mistake.
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