Moncton Setlist Party: Final Setlist Party of the 360 Tour, Bitches!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Crazy memories, brilliant meetups, good experiences, amazing shows. :heart: I love this band and all you fellow just as insane nutcases as myself.

Insanity is par for the course around here. :hug:

I'm so glad I got to meet some of the Interference crowd this time around...3 shows and every one of them was special in some way. :love:
30 July, 2011, Moncton NB Final show
Tonight’s Setlist:

Intro - Space Oddity
1. Even Better Than The Real Thing
2. The Fly
3. Mysterious Ways

ETA NEIL CAME THROUGH!!! :D he tweeted this, so that'll be true then.

MAN this blows. Last show of the tour, no feed and not even setlist reports? :sad:


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