model behaviour pt7

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War Child
Dec 2, 2003
“So how did your weekend go? Did you and your new pal Bono manage to save the world?” Jan Hernandez drawled when Anneka sat herself down in his the office of his studio’s that following Tuesday

“Actually we were not trying to save the world” Anneka corrected him, wondering was he still irate with her because she had changed their meeting date, and expected he was now going to spend the morning taking the piss to get his own back, “We are trying to eliminate poverty, there is a big difference, but I guess you couldn’t understand why it is so important” she retorted

“Wow, you really are serious about all this crusading” Jan’s brown eyes widened a little in surprise

“Yes I am, and so should everyone” Anneka replied forcefully and I am sorry if changing our meeting inconvenienced you, but some things take priority, and I think that includes saving a child’s life rather than worry about some makeup company’s finances”

“Oh please don’t start lecturing me this time in the morning, I heard enough from your little PA on that the other day,” Jan held his hands up warningly, “besides which, you don’t have to get all defensive on me, actually I agree with your sentiments”

“You do?” It was Anneka’s turn to look surprised, making Jan grin

“You see I am not the heartless uncaring monster you think I am” his tone was more softer, then looking thoughtful he added “Y’know I have been even trying to think of a way I could contribute.. You know help out.. Make a generous offer, not just stick money in a box, but do something worthwhile”

“Really?” Anneka queried suspiciously, feeling there was more to this than Jan suddenly having a change of heart and caring about those less fortunate than himself.
She was trying to figure out what exactly he was up to. She had known him a very long time, and for the most part he was ambitious and self serving. She couldn’t believe he had suddenly changed overnight.

But still she was intrigued wanting to know exactly he had in mind, so she let him continue without challenging him

“Yeah” Jan’s smile only send of more warning bells in Anneka’s head, there was something not quite sincere about it. He sat on the edge of his desk, his brown eyes resting on her, making sure he had her attention before he continued.

“I am a talented photographer, yes” he nodded in affirmation, “And what better than to use my talent and my time to help those poor people in Africa, you said yourself we need to draw everyone’s attention to it, make them aware of the problem, and I have an idea that could do that… with your help and Bono’s of course”

“How exactly?” Anneka found herself reluctantly asking

“Like I said, using my talent” Jan replied, “I take photographs, so I have this idea of a book, a book of my photography, so of course I get the credit, but all the proceeds would go to your causes in Africa, and the book would most likely be a best seller worldwide and make millions for you, especially when it features you and Bono in many of the pictures, as well as other celebrities who agree to take part.. It will be my finest work and all to your benefit” he finished beaming.

“I see” Anneka cautiously replied, hating that it did sound feasible, but also recognizing the real reason Jan was pitching this idea to her. It wasn’t really motivated by pity for poor and starving people, but wanting to have world wide recognition and praise, and she and Bono would be endorsing in a sublime way. Which was why she did not get over enthusiastic in front of Jan right now.

“I was thinking of calling it ‘Contrast’s’ or something similar. With images of the starkness of Africa’s plight superimposed over images I will take of the glamour and glitter of the show business world.. Can you imagine how dramatic that could be?” Jan now continued feverishly waving his hands around, determined to convince Anneka to go along with him,

”When the world of plenty clashes with the third world that’s in need, intermingling, caught on camera for all to see, surely people cannot look at this book and not understand what we are trying to tell them, it would raise more awareness and sympathy and attention. And it will get the attention if you and Bono are in it, and promote it.. So what do you think?” he asked anxiously

He had to wait a few moments before he got Anneka’s reply as she seem to give his idea some consideration

“Well frankly I am impressed” she confessed dryly but her was also tone laced with admiration

“Your brain must have been working overtime all weekend on this, and how to sell it to me, I find myself amazed at the lengths you would go to get some attention and recognition, because lets face it that’s what you really want out of this” she stated frankly, “I expect your name will be emblazoned on the book no doubt.. Great publicity of course” she nodded thoughtfully

“But that doesn’t mean that its all to your advantage.. I mean the primary reason is to help those who are in need, and you won’t be making any profit so I suspect you think I could easily overlook any personal gain you derive from it.. Am I right?” Anneka stared at him questioningly

“Well yeah, we all benefit from it I guess” Jan admitted sheepishly, “And really is there any harm in me wanting to be known as something other than a model photographer, when I am capable of being so much more.. And this is my opportunity to prove it” he then pointed out

“Anneka chuckled, “You know for a few brief seconds you almost restored my faith in humanity, “But you know what, as much as I hate to admit it, I think there is some credibility in your idea. Give me a chance to talk to Bono about it and see what he thinks, you never know we might just work something out, but I am not promising anything” she enforced meaningfully

“Sure, I understand, take all the time you need” Jan replied, deciding playing it cool was the best way to go

Then they both decided to get on with sorting out the work they got paid for and the real reason why they had met that morning


Anneka had spoken over the phone with Bono about Jan’s idea for the book, but also making it clear that Jan was not exactly doing this for the same reasons they would. That he was more interested in bringing awareness to himself than that of poverty.

Like her, Bono saw the potential in Jan’s idea and liked it, After all it would be a mutual thing. If Jan was using them to give himself a step up the recognition ladder. The awareness and the proceeds from the book could still only bring good publicity for their poverty campaign.

So knowing that Bono was going to be in London with the band promoting their new album Anneka had arranged a meeting between herself Bono and Jan. It had also give her the perfect excuse for meeting the others, Larry, Edge, and Adam as she had promised. Seeing and talking to them all again had been wonderful, they had made her feel as if she had never been away, and they had stayed up in the hotel bar talking and laughing and catching up.

Her only regret had been that she had not made up sooner with Bono, and had let what happen between them in the past almost destroy some good friendship.
Jan’s idea for the book had been discussed and deemed feasible, the only trouble being trying to sort out a time schedule that would suit them all.

Already months had passed from that first meeting when they decided they would go ahead with the book, but due to Bono being busy with the bands forthcoming tour and Anneka’s own busy modelling assignments, they had not got a chance to get together other than over the phone once a week to do much else about it.

Even now Anneka was across the other side of the world in New York due to work commitments, whilst Bono was in Europe with the tour, and they were still trying to figure out when they could get together properly for the photo shoot Jan had planned for the book sometime in the near future

Meanwhile whilst she was in New York Anneka was also occupied attending other charity functions. Although her main concern was the poverty campaign, she was also involved with rights for women, and give her support along with several of her other female model friends to that of bringing an end to physical and mental abuse of wives or partners

She was attending a charity lunch along with two of her other model colleagues, listening to a speech from a well known actress who had suffered physical abuse from her second husband. Who hoped by speaking out publicly that other women would realise there was nothing wrong in reporting the abuse and ending it once and for all, that no matter who you were, you did not always have to be the victim.

By the time the actress finished her speech Anneka was on her feet applauding hard, feeling tears of emotion fill her eyes over the personal triumph the actress had gone through despite what had happened to her.

It was then she felt a hand on her shoulder, and the familiar female voice speak her name, she turned and found herself looking into the hazel eyes of Laurie, Bono’s ex wife and the one time friend who had run of with her husband over five years ago, and the last person Anneka had expected to see….
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would be kind of ironic after listening to a speech about violence against women:laugh:
Very good annj... I am not sure what i would do in Anneka's situation

It should be very interesting to see what happens next:applaud:

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