MLB 2010 The Third - B. Wood Popped Out to Catcher

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The more I think about it, the more I'm liking the idea of Kenny pulling off this deal that will get Dunn for just a few minor leaguers. Look out.

Things are going to start really heating up in the next couple days. Excited to see where everybody lands.

Dunn would be a great add for you guys, even if he has to go play RF. Better if he DH'd, but still. Not sure he's worth the long term years/$ he's supposedly looking for, but as a one year rental, fantastic.
Wow, another no-hitter for 2010. Great year for pitching.

Nice win by the Yanks tonight - I liked that Robertson was the go-to guy in the 8th. Joba should be sent back to the minors to get him back to where he was in 2007/8.
^ Agreed

Also seems like Granderson might be getting on track. Amazing how he seems to get a free pass thus far. It's probably because he's just such a great guy, hard to dislike a cat like that.
GAF, if you're ever in NYC and want a slice of ZA, the place all the locals go to is Sbarro.

Haha, I will remember that. I've only been to NYC once, when I was eight. We were going on a family cruise and the ship left from New York harbor. So that doesn't even really count.

Always fun to watch a no-hitter or something like that live. The reaction shots are great, people sprinting from the dugout to join the dog pile and all that. The Detroit Tigers need to find themselves a bat, and fast.

And we were actually able to get to King Felix a bit tonight. Which is nice to see. And a great way to start off a four game series.
Nice job Garza.

Speaking of Twins (former or current)

Way to go Valencia. His first HR is a Grand Slam. First time ever that has happened to a Twin.
Still no mercy rule in MLB though huh?
I guess that's true.

Of those 4, I like Pizza Hut best but it's more by default than anything else.

But if you lived in NYC and elected to go to Sbarro more than once, you really should be shot.
Not to beat a dead horse, but Mauer actually accomplished something more rare than a no-hitter last night, a 5+ hit, 7+ RBI game--7 times more rare than a no-hitter.

The Lackster had a nice return to Southern Oregon of Eastern Japan last night.

Oh and B. Wood...DNP yet again. Hasn't started since the 17th, batting a robust .100 during the month of July. Is there even any other consideration for AL Rookie of the Year?
Hasn't started since the 17th

Poor Dickie Dub.

It's only fitting that he sat last night, though, because I think if Lackey ever actually faced Brandon from 60 feet 6 inches, it would tear a hole in the space time continuum and we'd all be fucked. Or we'd have to go play Johnny B. Goode at our parents' high school dance or something.
It also hurts that Dick's division race is already completely over.

Hamilton, Vlad, Kinsler, Young, Elvis, and Cruz. And looking to add another big bat? Damnnnnnn.
My BAC is consistently higher than B. Wood's batting average. Maybe it deserves its own obnoxious alter.
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