MLB 2010 - The Second - B. Wood struck out swinging

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Toughest loss for me would be losing the '05 national championship game. If that team wasn't destined to win a championship, I don't know who was. And then...poof. Didn't happen. Still an amazing run that I'll never forget. Starting out the season 29-0 by playing some of the most beautiful, team-oriented basketball I've ever seen. The comeback against Arizona, etc.


I glazed over national championship game for whatever reason, and thought you were talking about the White Sox until the very end of that post and was incredibly confused.
Ha. My bad. Yeah, that was a crazy year, to say the least.

Meanwhile, seven in a row and 11 out of 12. If these other scores hold up, we'll be just 3 back of Detroit and 4.5 back of Minnesota. All things considered, that's kind of incredible.

And Tommy Hanson mmmbop'd his ERA almost a full run tonight.
For what it's worth, biggest loss for me: 1998 World Cup final. That really sucked.
johan santana's stats... 5-4, 3.31 era... because of this people in new york and in the media are frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreakin' out about how johan has lost it and isn't an ace anymore because he can't throw the heat anymore.

johan has pitched 98 innings. if you take away two innings... the one in philadelphia where he got shelled, and texiera's grand slam from this weekend... his era over the remaining 96 innings that he's pitched is 2.15.
Funny, you should mention Johan Santana...:hmm:

TMZ and The Post have a breaking story about him. Somebody honor us with a link please.
Hamilton taking a well deserved day off and the Rangers put up 13 runs in the first five innings anyway? I'll take it.

Welcome back.
All the Mariners are doing is showing they have outstanding pitching and lowering their draft pick for next year.
I was at all 4 of those fucking games. Having to walk to our car after losing Game 7 was the worst fucking experience I've ever had after a game. Driving all the way back to LA after such a loss wasn't much fun either.

Nobody believes me or thinks I'm sane but losing the 2001 WS bothers me more than losing the ALCS in 2004.

ETA - I'd rather be shot than have to listen to Mark Grace.

I was at Game 2 and at a bar next to the ballpark for Game 7.... :applaud: good times!
Johan Santana accused of sexual battery? The authorities are late on this one, because that motherfucker bent us over and raped us with that changeup for a good 6 years while wearing that Twins uniform.

Meanwhile, eight in a row and 12 out of 13. Just 2 back of Detroit and 3.5 back of Minnesota. The 180 degree turnaround this team has made in the last two weeks is unbelievable and I couldn't be happier. And, what is that you say? Carlos Quentin is heating up? Look out.
3 runs allowed in the last 6 games. Seattle pitching has been amazing over the past 7 days. Um, can we move to the NL Central, please?
Looks like a nice little handful of our regular poster's teams are enjoying good streaks here. We're hot as fuck, Impy's squad is hot as fuck, the Mariners have won 6 in a row, and Headache's Metropolitans are having a great June.

Let's remember this moment fondly.
Cliff Lee is fucking ridiculous, by the way. 11 games started, 86 2/3 innings pitched, 4 walks, 76 strikeouts. Are you kidding? Only 3 homeruns allowed. 2.39 ERA. Over 7.2 (!!!) per start.

This guy is amazing. What a fucking pro.
Looks like a nice little handful of our regular poster's teams are enjoying good streaks here. We're hot as fuck, Impy's squad is hot as fuck, the Mariners have won 6 in a row, and Headache's Metropolitans are having a great June.

Let's remember this moment fondly.

even the red sox and yankees are doing well.

dick wood, however, still sucks.
Looks like a nice little handful of our regular poster's teams are enjoying good streaks here. We're hot as fuck, Impy's squad is hot as fuck, the Mariners have won 6 in a row, and Headache's Metropolitans are having a great June.

Let's remember this moment fondly.

It's getting uncomfortably crowded at the top of the AL Central.
Also, Cliff Lee went 0-2 on 19 of the 34 batters he faced last night. Unreal.
Looks like a nice little handful of our regular poster's teams are enjoying good streaks here. We're hot as fuck, Impy's squad is hot as fuck, the Mariners have won 6 in a row, and Headache's Metropolitans are having a great June.

Let's remember this moment fondly.

Even another Papelbon implosion couldn't stop the laser show last night.
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