Miscellaneous Picture Mix #39

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I'm sorry to insert only a link. This person has disabled their photos. It says that the picture was taken 4 hours ago.....

Look who I ran into en route to a meeting #holycrap | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Is that an airport?

No, her ID badge tells me they use the same security system as my building (in NYC). I'm going to assume lots of buildings use that system. Because I can't handle it if Bono was actually IN the building where I work (a high-rise so he could be on any other floor and I'd never know).

Bono and Edge reportedly are in NYC working with the Spider-Man orchestra etc. So perhaps he had meetings somewhere in the city.
Apparently it was at the offices of the Wall Street Journal

Maybe he was giving an interview or has a friend there. There was an article about Spider-Man delays in today's online version.

I think I'd recognize him for sure if he wandered into my office. LOL. But on the street...this is why he likes NYC because he CAN walk around unnoticed...everyone is too busy and there are too many people on the street at a given time. I've been paying more attention since I heard they were in town but it's not easy!

Here ya go guys,its easy stealing the HTML code :shifty:

I love how the description says " #holycrap "

Here ya go guys,its easy stealing the HTML code :shifty:

I love how the description says " #holycrap "

My mom was in the room when I first saw this.. so I didn't spend enough time looking at him as I wanted to... but now, Oh my he's so beautiful!! :love:

Thanks for the photo!!
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