Miscellaneous Picture Mix #25

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onekea said:
maybe I'm going against the flow with this here but...


who can blame me? ;)


SEXY MAN!!!:drool: :drool:
onekea said:
maybe I'm going against the flow with this here but...


who can blame me? ;)

Now that's a dangerous picture. I could just see myself pouncing on him, and both of us tumbling down the stairs.

And then the architecture nerd in me goes 'Oooh, look at that railing! :ohmy:'
DreamOutLoud13 said:

Now that's a dangerous picture. I could just see myself pouncing on him, and both of us tumbling down the stairs.

:lmao: I had the exact same thought...not exactly a smart idea given my history with stairs! But worth it? :hmm:

:yes: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosebud said:


We cannot be trusted around breakables/monuments/virtually anything valuable within half a mile of Bono. We have no self-control.....

Lucky for him (bad for me) he's 19 years older than I am.....he was particulary adorable (to me, at least!) back in the JT era. (But he was pretty snuggly in elevation era too...tough one to call)
risse said:

He looks like a kid here. So adorable :lol:

He *was* a kid there. Difficult to believe, isn't it, that he is old enough to be the father of some of the new PLEBANS--almost old enough to be the grandfather of some. Long may he run!
bonocomet said:
From the December 2007 issue of Vogue

be carefully, comet. :shame:

a woman can't sit down a minute after a hard day and suddenly find herself in front of this :faint:

:bow: :love:
MsPurrl said:

He *was* a kid there. Difficult to believe, isn't it, that he is old enough to be the father of some of the new PLEBANS--almost old enough to be the grandfather of some. Long may he run!

Indeed! :pray:

The Energizer Bunny. :)
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