Michael Moore was right, and you ALL KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!

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Jun 24, 2000
This just dawned on me: where are all those people that said Michael Moore was stupid, out of touch moron and that he should just shut up already? Where are they? I mean, Michael had the guts to slam Bush during the Oscars (nobody else had the audacity to be bluntly honest, or even defend him afterward), and now it turns out he was right about everything!


Damn it feels good to be right!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Just wanted to rub it in!!!!!!

Laughing all the way to superiority!!!


Michael Moore:

Whoa. On behalf of our producers Kathleen Glynn and Michael Donovan from Canada, I'd like to thank the Academy for this.
I have invited my fellow documentary nominees on the stage with us, and we would like to ? they're here in solidarity with me because we like nonfiction.
We like nonfiction and we live in fictitious times.
We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president.
We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons.
Whether it's the fictition of duct tape or fictition of orange alerts we are against this war, Mr. Bush.
Shame on you, Mr. Bush, shame on you.
And any time you got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up. Thank you very much.
I have to agree when I look at it now I agree with every word. I think more people disagreed at the time because of him doing it at the Oscars. But when I think about it, that's kinda cool. We don't have people speaking out and making statements like they used to. I'm glad he did it when and how he did it.
womanfish said:
I don't have people speaking out and making statements like they used to. I'm glad he did it when and how he did it.

Agreed ... we need more people speaking out and creating a true democracy.

Whether you agree with him or not, you've got to respect someone for using their right to free speech and calling out the President for the mistakes he's made.
JessicaAnn said:
Agreed ... we need more people speaking out and creating a true democracy.

Exactly. By silencing them, we're stooping to the level of dictators like Saddam Hussein. How can we fight for freedom in other countries if people attempt to stifle it here in our own country?

Originally posted by JessicaAnn
Whether you agree with him or not, you've got to respect someone for using their right to free speech and calling out the President for the mistakes he's made.

Yep. Definitely. Especially when you hear some of the things they say involving our president and his policies...they've got some guts.

WildHoneyAlways said:

The United States was never intended to be a "true democracy" nor will it ever be. just wanted to point that out.

What do you mean by "true democracy"? At any rate I think we are talking about freedom of speech, something we are supposed to have. It's true that in the past the vote was denied to women, African-Americans, Native Americans, and other minorities. And when in the hell will we ever elect a female president? I doubt if this will ever happen.
The United States has a representative democracy. We elect people to represent our ideas, beliefs, policies in Washington.

As for free speech, the fact that people are allowed to publicly disagree with Mr. Moore is an example of free speech.
So you mean that you don't class representative democracy as true democracy? Do you think participatory democracy (ie no elected representatives; people represent their own views at meetings, councils, etc) is the only true democracy?
Hey! Stop hijacking my thread!!!!!!

This was supposed to be a open forum allowing all those who were angered by Moore's speech to apologize and pay ME some respect in the process :wink:

Stop running off on tangents about democracy and focus on what's important: Danospano was right and many others were wrong :lol:

Got it ;)
JessicaAnn said:

Whether you agree with him or not, you've got to respect someone for using their right to free speech and calling out the President for the mistakes he's made.

...Yeah, until someone conservative comes out and says:

"I'm against gay marriage."

"I'm against abortion."

and so forth.

Then, all of the sudden, it's considered "hate speech" and we're asked why someone is allowed to talk this way.

You hypocritical ignorant leftists need to be willing to take it as much as you dish it out. Michael Moore DID have the right to say those things. And I think he's a fat, pompous, hate-filled, two-faced idiot. That's my right. Don't slam me for having my opinion if I'm supposed to tolerate his and yours.
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Zoocoustic said:

You hypocritical ignorant leftists


I :censored: love MM

He is the God-awful embodiment of northern redneck white boys.

With a delicious dish of satire and comedy.

of course I'd never sleep with him
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Zoocoustic I'm sure the same amount of venom can be applied to the alternate side as well. Try to keep off the grand sweeping generalisations ok?
Zoocoustic said:

...Yeah, until someone conservative comes out and says:

"I'm against gay marriage."

"I'm against abortion."

and so forth.

Then, all of the sudden, it's considered "hate speech" and we're asked why someone is allowed to talk this way.

You hypocritical ignorant leftists need to be willing to take it as much as you dish it out. Michael Moore DID have the right to say those things. And I think he's a fat, pompous, hate-filled, two-faced idiot. That's my right. Don't slam me for having my opinion if I'm supposed to tolerate his and yours.

On behalf of all lefties, thank you for your sweeping generalization.

Saying you are against gay marraiges or abortion does not rise to the level of hate speech. I do not begrudge anyone for having this view point ... I may disagree with you, but you can have whatever opinions you want.

When you say you want to kill gay people or those who want to perform abortions, that's hate speech.

Get your examples straight before you begin calling anyone a hypocrite.
JessicaAnn said:
On behalf of all lefties, thank you for your sweeping generalization.

Saying you are against gay marraiges or abortion does not rise to the level of hate speech. I do not begrudge anyone for having this view point ... I may disagree with you, but you can have whatever opinions you want.

When you say you want to kill gay people or those who want to perform abortions, that's hate speech.

Get your examples straight before you begin calling anyone a hypocrite.

Exactly right.

JessicaAnn said:

On behalf of all lefties, thank you for your sweeping generalization.

Saying you are against gay marraiges or abortion does not rise to the level of hate speech. I do not begrudge anyone for having this view point ... I may disagree with you, but you can have whatever opinions you want.

When you say you want to kill gay people or those who want to perform abortions, that's hate speech.

Get your examples straight before you begin calling anyone a hypocrite.

I agree.
Zoocoustic said:
You hypocritical ignorant leftists need to be willing to take it as much as you dish it out. Michael Moore DID have the right to say those things. And I think he's a fat, pompous, hate-filled, two-faced idiot. That's my right. Don't slam me for having my opinion if I'm supposed to tolerate his and yours.

Great. So I can call you a complete and utter waste of humanity, and yet another piece of right-wing extremist trash and you can't slame me for having my opinion, if I'm supposed to tolerate yours.

What a frabjuous day for all... :wave:


(In case you didn't notice, this isn't meant to be a personal attack, but, rather, a counterpoint to the logic of the argument.)
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Danospano said:
Hey! Stop hijacking my thread!!!!!!

This was supposed to be a open forum allowing all those who were angered by Moore's speech to apologize and pay ME some respect in the process :wink:

Stop running off on tangents about democracy and focus on what's important: Danospano was right and many others were wrong :lol:

Got it ;)


Michael Moore:

Whoa. On behalf of our producers Kathleen Glynn and Michael Donovan from Canada, I'd like to thank the Academy for this.
I have invited my fellow documentary nominees on the stage with us, and we would like to ? they're here in solidarity with me because we like nonfiction.
We like nonfiction and we live in fictitious times.
We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president.
We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons.
Whether it's the fictition of duct tape or fictition of orange alerts we are against this war, Mr. Bush.
Shame on you, Mr. Bush, shame on you.
And any time you got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up. Thank you very much.

sorry... still disagree... constitution still says that the winner of the electoral college shall become president... florida voting records still say that bush won the election, giving him the majority of electoral votes... still believe going to baghdad was the right thing to do... still would rather have the color system, as flawed as it may be, than have no warning system at all... still see no problem with people being aware of their surroundings and prepared just in case... still haven't seen a terrorist attack on american soil since 9/11, despite many tries... still think moore's a pompous p.o.s. who hides behind "but i'm only a comedian" when proven wrong and wants all the glory when he's right... shame on you, mr. moore... shame on you
Any proof yet of where these came from? Or did we just sweep them under the rug? Either way it's just one more thing we can chalk up to something the administration can't find.

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