Messages from Beyond

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May 17, 2001
South of Boston, MA -U.S.A.
Anyone have any experiences with this? Here's my story of recent. My father had passed on in 1996. My daughter, who has 2 children of her own now had recently visited my fathers grave. She said she was talking out loud saying "Tell me your proud". A few days later a friend of hers told her about a dream he had the night before. In his dream he was in a park and an old guy came up to him and handed him an envelope. On the envelope were the words "Tell her I'm proud". She had never even told him about her visit to the grave. Man, when my daughter told me this it sent chills up my spine.

I met my current husband when my youngest son was 2 years old. After we had been together for almost a year, we realized that my son was born the same day his (my husband's) mother passed away.

One night we were eating in a restaurant and my son was sitting next to my husband coloring, not paying a bit of attention to us, while we were discussing the strange coincidence. Jokingly, we talked about their souls crossing paths and my husband sort of looked up toward the ceiling and said "well, if he is my mother, please send me a sign!" At that very moment, my son put down his crayon, wrapped his arms around my husband's neck and said "I love you Rick" and gave him a kiss on the cheek. :ohmy:

Now there is no way a 3 year old could have comprehended what we were talking about and we were freaked out to say the least!

This hasn't happened to me :uhoh: But I read an amazing story about this in an issue of Oprah's magazine. I'm really, really paraphrasing but this is the basic: This woman (who is a writer, and I'm sorry I can't remember her name) grew up in NYC and her father drove a taxi. His number was 63 (or whatever it was). She remembers always looking for his number and him picking her up after school, that sort of thing.

Her father was very supportive and encouraging of her. She had a dream to get something published. Her father passed away before this happened. She said she habitually looked for his taxi number everywhere, but never saw it again.

Well one day she was going to receive an award she knew her father would have been particularly proud of her about. It had something to do with her writing, and they had discussed how she would one day love to receive this honor. As she was getting out of her car to go into the building for the ceremony, she saw a taxi go by with her father's number on it. :yes:
Does anyone know anything about vortex ghosts? They're quite interesting to me. Vortex ghosts often show up (in pictures) at events like weddings or funerals, or often with pets, small children, and babies. I've seen a picture of a small child who'd just learned to walk and two vortex ghosts like arms supporting the child. I can't post the best examples b/c they belong to Here are two of mine (not so good ones):

Manhattan subway, Oct. 18, 2001. Vortex ghosts often pair up. They're either white, black, or red. They sometimes merge and will pass through object, like they are here (unfortunately this isn't an example with them coming through the other side):


A few blocks from Ground Zero, Oct. 18, 2001. We'd been in NYC helping w/ September 11 relief. Two more twin vortices, dark. Not a great pic b/c it's unclear, but good enough for a basic example:


EDIT: OK, here's just a few better examples.

This is a newborn who's lungs were full of fluids and almost died:

And here's the baby learning to walk (I've blacked out the face):
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I dont mean to be skeptical or to imply I dont believe you, but isn't that some kind of tricky effect of the camera strap getting in the shot? It looks like the weave of it in some of them.

To be honest, I think I'd rather believe that than know it is something completely unexplainable...I am a wuss though.
I don't think i would be the first to admit that I would love to think that there is a guardian angel watching over me..(mainly because I always believed tht God was/is)....but is the message always from a source from 'beyond'?

I had a wierd dream experience when I was 18...I had a dream that I was a passenger in a truck driving pre-dawn in dense fog on I 75 and trying desperatley to stop the vehicle...for some reason in the dream I could see a brown sedan stopped just ahead in the road and a couple standing beside it... I was yelling at the top of my lungs and trying to wake the driver...I woke up when I slapped the driver in the dream.

A few hours later I was with a friend (who I had confided the dream to because it seemed real to me) who was talking to his Dad on a pay phone..Without mentioning my dream, his dad told him that early that day (about 4 am) he was driving home from Gray Iron on I 75 in dense fog and thought he was falling asleep..he said that all of a sudden he thought someone slapped him and yelled 'stop now'...he stopped just in time to keep his truck from coliding with the rear of a brown sedan that an old couple had stopped in the road....

It isn't the only time I remember dreaming that I helped someone...just the one time that it was 'so' clear it scared the s&*t out of me.
Angela Harlem said:
I dont mean to be skeptical or to imply I dont believe you, but isn't that some kind of tricky effect of the camera strap getting in the shot? It looks like the weave of it in some of them.

To be honest, I think I'd rather believe that than know it is something completely unexplainable...I am a wuss though.

Yes, actually, you're right. It's quite easy to do by accident with a thin camera strap or even a piece of hair. I have many of those types of pictures (wish I had some scanned). The "real" ones are often more complex. The vortex can pass through and object, or leave a shadow like the other objects in the picture. Not to mention my two NYC pics were taken with a camera without a strap.

I'm skepticle as well, but I frequently browse a site where these pics are most often posted and the people who maintain the site go over them carefully or bring them in to professional photographers or photo developers. There are lots of fake ones they post as well, for comparison. It's just something odd that interests me, especially since the more authentic ones appear most in pictures of babies/children. I'll see if I can find some other examples...
It's fascinating for sure. I've had these shadow things in a few photos over the years and always put it down to the strap getting in the way. I don't even recall if there has been a strap on every camera I've had, but I know mine would most likely be because I am very bad at taking photos lol. Have you got the link for that site? While I still don't know what I think of all these kinds of things like ghosts in general etc, I am still interested. That first pic you put up looks like a really creepy looking arm lol. I'd love to see more if you want to post them too.
This is my Dad's favourite story, my Dad is one of the most skeptical people you could meet:

When I was 9 months old my Grandfather (my Dad's father) died, so sadly I never got to know him. When I was about 2 or 3 I was in my bedroom playing, my Dad was having a bath and he could hear me talking, he said he could hear me asking questions and then I would stop talking for a while like I was hearing an answer sometimes I would say things like "Yes me too"

When he was finished my Dad came in and asked me who I was talking to and I said Oh just Grandpa Smith but he said he is off to the pub now for a pint with his mate and not to worry, then I fell asleep.

My Dad couldnt sleep for a week though because I had never heard the word pub or pint and I didnt say mate I said friend, apparently my Grandad was a person who said mate. I don't remember it though I was too young.

I know another story about my Dads grandad Pop being in the army I think it was during the war but I'll have to ask him to tell me it again later because I have forgotten some of it.
I have an interesting story to contribute here:

I have an aunt named Teresa, and she is my aunt by marriage. Long before she married my uncle Kevin, she and a girlfriend were sitting at her kitchen table. They were talking about whether Teresa should continue her relationship with Kevin, as it was getting rather serious, but Teresa was recently divorced and was unsure of how to proceed. As they are talking, a blue-tinted feather drops out of the air and lands on the table. Teresa and her friend are both like :ohmy: . They could not figure out where it had come from--she had nothing with blue feathers in her house, and they were the only two in the house when it appeared. Teresa picked up the feather and kept it.

Sometime later (a few weeks? months? I can't remember for sure) Teresa mentions the feather story to Kevin, telling him how weird it was that this feather just seemed to drop out of the sky over her dining room table. When she showed him the feather, my uncle started to cry. When he was a child, my grandmother had been washing some feather pillows. Kevin was in a hurry and needed some blue jeans washed, so he just threw them in with whatever else was being washed without looking. The jeans had turned the feather pillows blue, and there were blue feathers everywhere. My grandmother had been very upset and Kevin had always felt bad about it. When he saw the feather Teresa had, he knew it had come from the pillows. It was like my grandmother's way of giving them her blessing to be together.

I never knew my grandmother, as she died before I was born. It seems like such a silly story, but for those few of us in the family who know about it, it makes us feel good to think that my grandmother is still able to see what her family has become and to get to know those of us she never met in life.
I like stories like this, and I believe them. One of the freakiest things that ever happened to me was right after I started to drive. I took a back way home from my friend's house where the road was narrow, surrounded by trees and ran along the top of a low cliff. As I started to pull out onto this road, I couldn't see around the curve but I started pulling out anyway because no one was ever there. Suddenly a voice from somewhere said, "better watch out first, something might be coming'- just as that was said, I got a picture in my head of a truck. I stopped. I swear, about a second or 2 later the truck from my vision came speeding by! I know it might have killed me or pushed me off the cliff if I hadn't listened! So people can make fun of hearing voices all they want, I believe!
I don't believe in ghosts but I do believe in peoples ability to be psychic in different ways. One's own perception can make you believe anything.
OK, here's a few more:

Notice how the leg of the swing is through it

The pink and whites

Great shadow vortex

Other shadows

Cool shape

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