Merged -->Cool, niffty, neat, etc. + Okay who's now obsessed with watching the PayPal

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Mar 21, 2002
The Kitchen
Cool, niffty, neat, etc, etc.

I did the little PayPal donation thing, and I think the amount for Donations Current up there went up. Did it just go up? That would be neat if it auto updated? Is there a link that does that and shows when donations are made?
Yeah that's pretty cool that you can see how much has been donated. Elvis updates it manually.

I'm going to donate a little here and there.

I :heart: Interference.
Sicy said:
I'm going to donate a little here and there.

me too.

I think it is doing really well though. It has only been up for a little while and we have that much. I think if we all just give a little :D we can do it!

I :heart: this place. :sad:

HOLD ME! :scream:
Re: lmao eugene.

Screaming Flower said:
i just made the amount thingy go up. it makes me feel all good inside.


*hands out warm fuzzies to all that donate* :cute: :happy:
Do you think if I put one up and set the goal as $5000 people would donate to my cause...

...shame I don't have a cause really.

Oh well - donate to the Jo Whitby poor musician fund!! All forms of payment excepted! :sexywink: *cough cough* errr, well, depends...


Okay, who's now obsessed with watching the PayPal tracker change?

I keep checking the main page every few minutes to see what the donations are up to.

Fortunately I am going shopping later and will not be able to check for a few hours.
hehehe. I was about to raise my hand and link my thread to this one but some one beat me to it. :lol:
I smell an opportunity to use the handy "merge threads" function. :D

and yes, it is fun to watch the numbers creep up. :yes:
I feel the same way about the donation thing as I did about the radom goal. Like YAY we can do it!!! I am such a tard. I do keep checking it.
It is funny when they are merged. It is going to make my post to the other thread funny on my own thread. hhhmmm did that make sense?
ghetofabu said:
It is funny when they are merged. It is going to make my post to the other thread funny on my own thread. hhhmmm did that make sense?

Well, that's to be expected on merged threads...people understand, ya know? :)
:D Did it go up, did it go up????

Alrighty, I did my part...I :heart: my Interfrence and don't ever want it to go away!
God... would you look at that - $352 because people love this place that much..

Imagine what could be achieved if everyone donated.

Why don't all of you PM somebody - or post in each thread in every forum to get the word out.

Make everyone feel something about how dire the situation is.

Imagine a day without Interference. Our little clubhouse. Our little community we built with each other and because of each other.

CARRY EACH OTHER - you guys.

I know we can do it.

Thanks a million to all of the donators. A little here and there will make all the difference in the world. :cute: :yes:

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