Macros / LOLs Thread . . . Round 2!

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some ballz pinched from the Leather Day thread...


It is!! :lol::lol::lol:

But :uhoh::uhoh: I still don't get the second one! :reject:

Thanks muchly, I'm glad you all like them! I mainly posted them just to get the ideas out of my head, so sorry about the obscurity of the second one...:reject: It's based on this internet meme:


which is explained thoroughly on this page (that's where I first found it)!

And I forgot to mention before just how lol-worthy this thread is! I have to make sure not to look at it in the library or else I get very strange looks as I try (unconvincingly) to stifle my laughter! :lol:
Thanks muchly, I'm glad you all like them! I mainly posted them just to get the ideas out of my head, so sorry about the obscurity of the second one...:reject: It's based on this internet meme:


which is explained thoroughly on this page (that's where I first found it)!

And I forgot to mention before just how lol-worthy this thread is! I have to make sure not to look at it in the library or else I get very strange looks as I try (unconvincingly) to stifle my laughter! :lol:

Awww thanks for the clarification!!
:doh: Makes sense now!

As for the library, well let me tell you what happened this very week, while studying for my psych class, perception (vision, hearing...), I look up a word in the index then as I'm flipping the pages to go back to chap 3, I stumble upon chap 12 which is hearing and :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy: On the first page of the chap, they've a full page pic of Bono & Edge at the Grammys in 2002!! So I squeeeeled like I usually do whenever something related to U2 pops up in my daily life:lol: Thankfully I was at home, because this could've well have happened in the library :huh::lol::lol:

I already feel like chap 12 is going to be my favourite! And now, to rip or not to rip that lovely pic:hmm:
I mean, no matter how silly it gets around here, the humor really beats off many of the more high profile humorists be it American, Canadian...

This thread is plain silly, and sometimes, plain silly is all we need! :lol::cute:
Yet the only Canadian musicians I can name are Beiber, Nickelback and Celine Dion. :wink:

Ok true, Bryan Adams is also Canadian. He's good. :lol: What else?
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