LP15 - We're due for a break from the norm

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I've purged them from my mind
What? There's absolutely heaps of unreleased stuff lying around, just insofar as what has already leaked. You can make a whole album of pre-Boy and Boy era stuff, for one thing.

About 10-15 years ago I made a compilation of all the pre-boy songs I could find, and called the album “Street Missions”. As far as I’m concerned, that album pisses all over NLOTH! There are some great tracks that they just abandoned. Boy is already awesome, but it could’ve been an epic double album opus!
I need something radically different from them tbh for the next album, the last 2 albums bored me to death and so did both tours, only the JT one was amazing. But even on that tour the cobijn material on screen all the time.....it's just a depressing atmosphere they create , not sure how to explain but the tour and graphics/gfx used were dark and depressing etc, without proper new music to back that style up. No more 10 show tours for me that's for sure. They lost their mojo after the 360 tour and went with safe...and boring, no wow factor anymore live. Especially re-using the cedarwood stuff last year, thank god they dropped it for Zoo station/Wild Horses at one point. Shame Summer of Love later on still remained, killing the crowd every night.

I didn't grew out of U2 whatsoever, I still love everything from TUF until half of NLOTH, the new albums never got anything out of me and at first listen I was already bored, while our friendgroup can put on the Vertigo Chicago DVD on and have a great night, all feeling basically the same way about the new albums.

I don't like much from U2 without Eno and Lanois that's for sure. U2 sound lost and boring without them. Evident on NLOTH where the only good songs have all 3 of them credited. Especially Lanois just elevated U2 and Peter Gabriel both for me. Especially after NLOTH U2 sounds like a totally different band, and not in a good way.

Some more joy next tour/album please, or over the top crazyness....or something colourful... Just ANYTHING different, they need a different mindset, and so I do I guess, lowering expectations.

Heck I even loved Get on Your Boots when it came out, couldn't stop smiling in the Uni Library listening to it non stop on my mp3 player at how ridiculous it was but loved it because of that, it was the last time I had this feeling after U2 released something, desperate to listen to it, and I don't even like Boots now.
out of curiosity I want to hear what came out of that late 2000s/early 2010s "dance" sessions. did they legit make EDM songs?
The latest rumors say that the band is going to start working on the next album after they tour Australasia.

Compared with recent years, when there were huge gaps between albums, U2 are actually showing some pretty strong work ethic when it comes to making albums faster. If this rumor is true, then good job, guys. :up:
...which means they won't start recording until 2020, and the album likely wouldn't come out until 2021 (and that's being optimistic). Which would still be a 4-year gap since SOE.

Not impressed.
Those “skinny jeans” were baggy 5 months ago! I am not fat shaming, I’m not a thin man myself. But his weight does seem to greatly fluctuate in short spans of time. Some people are like that. I’ve known my father in law for 13 years now, and I’ll bet he has gained and lost a significant amount of weight (50-80 pounds) several times since I’ve known him.
it's a caribbean carnival. as someone who lives a block away from where they hold the largest one in north america, trust me that's pretty tame and normal considering what he could be wearing.
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