LP15 - We're due for a break from the norm

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He's your dingo-fucker now anyway.

New Zealand dumps its rubbish in Australia and Australia dumps its rubbish in the US. Hogan, Murdoch, etc.
Next election we're gonna boot out Scott Morrison so hard that he lands firmly in the middle of some awful swamp in some awful part of your country.
Why would a AB 30 anniversary tour start 1 year before the album came out, and 2 years before ZooTV?

Good gracious, good catch. My apologies - dates were off. I was thinking 2021. But yes, set my notional thing back a year.

Bottom line... I think it will be quiet for a minute. I hope I'm wrong.
Better a three night stand in Sydney than a one night stand in Santiago, Chile.

As Bono was heard to say.

The Songs of era dragged on for too long. I don't mind not hearing anything about new material for a while.
I was being sarcastic and I think being okay with not hearing anything for a while is a really strange view to have. I mean yes it is likely as good material sometimes requires time, but to not acknowledge that these band members are now approaching ages where people... yknow... U2 can suddenly not exist anymore... I would say... whatever they release I appreciate.
If their last album was 10/10 quality then I'd want them to keep recording as much as possible, but we've seen how much they struggled to release SOE. Many feel it was compromised with their repeated misguided attempt for hits. I don't think taking a break with no album pressure in the background is a bad thing.
I love the last two albums, but I’m also good with a break. Would be cool if they came back with another album with Brian Eno and actually carried the whole vision through instead of compromising it for a quick radio hit. .
If their last album was 10/10 quality then I'd want them to keep recording as much as possible, but we've seen how much they struggled to release SOE. Many feel it was compromised with their repeated misguided attempt for hits. I don't think taking a break with no album pressure in the background is a bad thing.

You don’t necessarily need a break to change your ways.

It’s not like they can’t realize something that’s probably been said to them before. If we can realize it, they can.

Anyways, I don’t know. They’re not getting any younger. SOE very well could be the last album they release. Don’t forget that. I do hope that they relax a little and just forget trying to impress a mainstream audience and just do it how they want to do it. Heck, if they want to do it with a mainstream audience because that’s what they want to do, and that’s their goal, go for it. I’ll accept a 6/10 U2 album if it means they’re still making music and they’re doing it for themselves and not to appease anyone as though it’s owed.
Let's not forget that SOE was originally planned to be a very quick follow up. They had venues on hold for 2016 pending a continuation of the I+E tour. When the album was delayed, they then ended up having a further one to two years to agonise over it, with an extra tour they had no way of anticipating at the time. If they want to (and for all we know they could be already) work on new songs then that's up to them. I just think with the E+I tour finishing a mere three months ago after all of this, I don't blame them if they want to do non-music things for a bit longer.
I’m not blaming them? Im saying it’s not my desire to want them to not make music for a while. I want them to make music. If they take time off for themselves, great. They don’t owe me anything. But I’m not desiring that they go away again.
When I said I don't blame them, I meant it as a figure of speech, not that anyone was blaming them literally...

I'm trying to look at this situation in a real world context rather than just saying I want more music as if it exists in a vacuum.
They deserve at least a year off. But..... that does not mean no music can be released. There must be an awful lot of recorded material over the past years. Why noy releasing some of this material. Songs of Ascent as an example could be released an an epilogue to SOE and SOI, kind of bonus disc to some kind of double rerelease of both albums.
Doesn't have to be a big marketing thing. Could go with the Australian tour and release of the EI-dvd.
I want new U2 music. Hit us with a song. Just like that!

U2 are an album band not a singles band. But they have made some exceptions in the past, especially with one or two new songs attached to a greatest hits package. Perhaps there will be a 2000 to 2020 greatest hits/compilation.
U2 are an album band not a singles band. But they have made some exceptions in the past, especially with one or two new songs attached to a greatest hits package. Perhaps there will be a 2000 to 2020 greatest hits/compilation.
I could live with that,if there was 2 new songs on it. Would love a U2 studio version of boy falls from the sky.
There is a pic on U2's Instagram of Bono and Edge posing on a beach and being adorable somewhere together, so they are/were in the same location recently.

Maybe they're recording-- Haha, probably not. But we can dream of Beach Clips. Somebody call the Dutch and get them on standby just in case!
What would a best of 2000-2020 consist of? My guess:

1. BD
2. Stuck
3. Elevation
4. Walk on
5. Vertigo
8. Maybe ABOY
10. Magnificent
11. Crazy tonight
12. OL
13. Invisible
14. EBW
15. Miracle
16. Best Thing

I know BD and Stuck were in 90-00, but seriously, they’re not gonna miss a chance to put those songs on a potential 00-20. BD is one of their biggest hits, it’s going on there.
I know BD and Stuck were in 90-00

If I was making a list of most infuriating moves by the band, that one is definitely in the Top 5. It's just often overshadowed by the even worse move of the "New Mixes".

Aesthetically dishonest putting those ATYCLB tracks on there, if they're trying to capture the decade in the life of the band. It should have been the M$H tracks (which, naturally are missing) representing the end of that era and that's it. And remember that The Fly was only a bonus track, in certain countries, while Lemon was there only on the b-sides disc, and in a remix version.

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