Love Me If You Dare

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Dec 1, 2003
SBS had an amazing French movie on 2 weeks back called Love Me If You Dare.

It's a romantic comedy that features countless nasty twists and surprises, and the performance of the two lead actors is second to none.

It is shamelessly perfect. An emotional rollercoaster ride through the lives of two lovers whose life is dictated by a game of DARE they started when they were merely kids.

Despite the bizarre final scenes of the film, it is a film that can warm even the coldest of hearts. Certainly warmed mine...
So easy on the eye (especially Marion Cotillard:drool:) and with a delightful soundtrack, I recommend this movie to absolutely anyone.

I rarely watch movies (let alone romantic comedies), and I don't think I'll be watching any more.

Love Me If You Dare has satisfied my thirst for a good film for life. I can see myself going back to it time and time again.

Any one else seen this masterpiece?

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