Blue Crack Addict
Thanks for the pics and the video
Holy hell PIMP Adam!
Yes please
I have just been watching my videos I think they are going to be too large for Youtube I got all the songs, not in their entirety but I have all songs. The visual on Magnificent is not brilliant for some reason, but nothing wrong with the sound?
Where the hell can I get them uploaded to? I'll try Youtube in the meantime
Welcome, I'll just need some more gatorade and crackers and sleep again after! Build up my strength for more...Of all times to get sick....I gotta get better by Letterman....
Thanks everyone who posted pics.
My photos are awesomely crap
This one is from a soccer match on Wednesday
You can hear my screaming
Do you have any idea who the teams were? Thanks.
And my knicker elastic
From the seat colors i'd say that's Chelsea who played Juventus On wednesday
which for the record had NOTHING to do with me
It was HIS fault