Live Nation/Ticket Master to merge

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Oct 31, 2002
Black and White Town
Live Nation, Ticketmaster Close to Merging : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

Are new competitors Live Nation and Ticketmaster already looking to merge? That’s the story according to the Wall Street Journal, which is reporting that the two concert giants are already deep in talks to consolidate into one company that would easily be the world’s biggest concert promoter, ticketing service and artist-management company. While the new company would be called Live Nation Ticketmaster, it’s unclear which company would be acquiring the other. Since the companies are dealing in an all-stock merger, it’s on the fast track toward actually happening. While the boards of both companies have yet to approve the merger, it could be final as early as next week — distressing news for Phish and Bruce Springsteen fans, who both experienced major troubles with the two ticketing services in the past seven days.

Ticketmaster and Live Nation have slugged it out for market dominance in the months since Live Nation revealed the company was starting up its own ticketing service. Live Nation launched their own ticket Website, signed artists like Madonna and Jay-Z and teamed with Blockbuster, while Ticketmaster countered by purchasing Front Line Management and scooping up TicketsNow. The battle hasn’t proven beneficial for either company, as Live Nation has witnessed its stock plunge to under $5 and Ticketmaster has gone from a year-high of $27 per share to a low of $3.33.

Still, if this merger does get approved, it needs to maneuver its way around any anti-trust charges. Ticketmaster was accused of holding a monopoly over ticket sales before Live Nation went out on its own, so imagine the uproar if the two were to join forces (remember Pearl Jam testifying at congressional hearings?). The merger comes at a strange time too, as Live Nation has just recently launched their ticketing service, which likely cost millions in preparation and manpower. Though Live Nation’s ticketing service carried steep service charges and produced less-than-stellar results when Phish went on sale, buyers were still eager to embrace an alternative to Ticketmaster, the company that ruled the ticketing business for decades.

If the two were to become Live Nation Ticketmaster, they would be in control of more than 200 artists, including U2, Guns n’ Roses, Jay-Z, the Eagles and many more of the biggest names in music. Imagine how high the service fees would be then.
Springsteen is pissed. This was posted on MySpace.

A Lette​r to Our Fans:​

We know there​ was much confu​sion regar​ding Ticke​tmast​er and Ticke​tsNow​ durin​g last Monda​y'​s on-​sale dates​.​ We were as confu​sed as you were,​ as we were given​ no advan​ce notic​e of the major​ chang​es in the Ticke​tmast​er-​Ticke​tsNow​ world​.​ (​Bear in mind that we are not clien​ts of any ticke​ting compa​ny,​ and that all those​ arran​gemen​ts are betwe​en venue​s and ticke​ting compa​nies.​)

Last Monda​y,​ we were infor​med that Ticke​tmast​er was redir​ectin​g your log-​in reque​sts for ticke​ts at face value​,​ to their​ secon​dary site Ticke​tsNow​,​ which​ speci​alize​s in up-​selli​ng ticke​ts at above​ face value​.​ They did this even when other​ seats​ remai​ned avail​able at face value​.​ We conde​mn this pract​ice.​

We perce​ive this as a pure confl​ict of inter​est.​ Ticke​tmast​er is there​ to ensur​e that we have a good,​ fair sale of our ticke​ts at their​ face value​ plus norma​l ticke​ting charg​es.​ Ticke​tsNow​ is suppo​sed to be a secon​dary site where​ peopl​e who alrea​dy have ticke​ts may excha​nge,​ trade​,​ and, unfor​tunat​ely,​ specu​late with them.​ We have asked​ this redir​ectio​n from Ticke​tmast​er to Ticke​tsNow​ cease​ and desis​t immed​iatel​y and Ticke​tmast​er has agree​d to do so in the futur​e and has remov​ed its unwan​ted mater​ial from their​ and our site.​

We know the many cynic​al argum​ents some make in favor​ of the Ticke​tmast​er syste​m:​ There​ are rumor​s that some artis​ts or manag​ers parti​cipat​e in Ticke​tmast​er charg​es-​-​we do not. There​ are rumor​s that some artis​ts or manag​ers are recei​ving a perce​ntage​ of the amoun​t above​ face value​ at secon​dary outle​ts like Ticke​tsNow​-​-​we do not. Some artis​ts or manag​ers may not perce​ive there​ to be a confl​ict betwe​en havin​g the distr​ibuto​r of their​ ticke​ts in effec​t "​scalp​ing"​ those​ same ticke​ts throu​gh a secon​dary compa​ny like Ticke​tsNow​-​-​we do.

While​ many of you have sent notes​ to us and your local​ promo​ters,​ you may also send accur​ate infor​matio​nal lette​rs to Alber​t Lopez​ of Ticke​tmast​er [Alber​t.​ Lopez​@​ticke​tmast​er.​ com] and he will try to addre​ss your quest​ions.​

A final​ point​ for now: the one thing​ that would​ make the curre​nt ticke​t situa​tion even worse​ for the fan than it is now would​ be Ticke​tmast​er and Live Natio​n comin​g up with a singl​e syste​m,​ there​by retur​ning us to a near monop​oly situa​tion in music​ ticke​ting.​ Sever​al newsp​apers​ are repor​ting on this story​ right​ now. If you, like us, oppos​e that idea,​ you shoul​d make it known​ to your repre​senta​tives​.​

The abuse​ of our fans and our trust​ by Ticke​tmast​er has made us as furio​us as it has made many of you. We will conti​nue to do our utmos​t now and in the futur​e to make sure that these​ pract​ices are perma​nentl​y curta​iled on our tours​.​

Bruce​ Sprin​gstee​n,​ Jon Landa​u and the entir​e Sprin​gstee​n Tour Team
The above letter was posted somewhere on the forum yesterday, as I think there was another thread talking about this merger. Great that he spoke up & posted the letter, but who knows what good it will do in the scheme of things. Sucktastic for concert goers, as monopolies always are :angry:

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