lil story that came to me

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War Child
Oct 15, 2001
Hello, Hello. I'm @ a place called Vertigo...-devi
I was watching the Electical Storm vid and as usual wishing that I could have been the mermaid for the chance to lick the water off of Larry's chest ^_^ He looks So good in that. *erhm* anywho. For some odd reason the song got me thinking and I came up w/this lil story. Edge is single during Achtung Baby and he has yet to meet Mor.
Now...on w/my insanity. heheh

"You're what!?!" I didn't care if my sudden outburst had gotten the attention of the patrons around our table or that we'd probably be kicked out. All I was focused on was the nerve of my boyfriend, who I'd been dating for the past three years, and his pick to break up with me in my favorite resturant pub The Kitchen. He'd brought me here knowing that since the place was owned by two of my highly loved and respected musicians I'd be in too good of a mood to try anything embarressing. Oh was he wrong.

"You're dumping me for some girl that's younger?!? I moved here for you!!" I was so furious and screaming now at the top of my voice that without any doubt everyone was able to clearly hear what was going on. 'Will you calm down? You'll get us thrown out and you're overreacting here. Sit down so we can talk about this' He was trying to get me to sit but I wouldn't even let him touch me and wanted to make sure he knew just how I felt about all of this. My so called loving boyfriend was expecting for me to act 'Reasonable' as he always said I should be with things in life.

Reasonable. I'd be more than happy to show him just how reasonable I could throwing my pint of Dark Stout Guinness right in his face. As soon as I did that I quickly hated what I'd done, only because I had been the one to pay for the drinks and now I'd just wasted my last pounds on being reasonable. Before we could be banned by the manager I stormed out without bothering to say another word to my now ex or hear any of his used lines. I'd let him be responsible for paying the bill and could care less if he'd forgotten his wallet in my bag which had become a habit of his to not have to carry anything.

Twenty minets later it finally hit me that he really had broken up with me and to make matters worse I suddenly didn't have a place to stay at after I would go through the standard moving out of his place with my things break up routine. It wasn't like I didn't have any friends that I could ask to crash at their places. The thing was that most were married with kids and I didn't want to hear them telling me 'I told you so'. None of them had ever warmed up to Trent and would constantly warn me he'd end up breaking my heart. Christ. I wish I had listened to them instead of letting myself fall for such a sod. I didn't want to head for his flat just yet but there weren't really that many places still open at this hour of night and with no money my choices were getting slimmer by the moment. Out of just pure anger I picked up a near by rock and just threw it in some direction without caring where it landed. My mistake was not checking to see if the streets were clear before I did something as stupid as that. The second the rock went flying I saw someone quickly duck to avoid being the target.

Running over to the person I began to apologize, hoping they wouldn't be pissed and start a fight over my being so careless. "Bugger...I'm so sorry...I... I didn't see anyone when I threw the rock and.... you just came out of nowhere. I'm Really sorry for almost hitting you" The man chuckled and was busy brushing himself off while I apologized so I didn't see his face. If I had I know I would have either passed out or babbled worse. 'No harm done....maybe I should have been the one watching out for flying rocks out at this hour. Got a good aim for not seeing me walking down the street.' When he looked up there was no mistake in not being able to recognize him. Those sharp cheekbones, those amazing and ever hypnotizing green eyes, that tasty neck... I just stared at him before my brain finally unfroze to scream out that I had been THIS close to hitting The Edge. "Oh my god. I almost hit The Edge....I'm such a loon for not even Thinking of looking before....Christ. I'm so so....Really So Sorry Mr. The Edge. I didn't mean....oh please don't be mad" My first encounter with one of the greatest guitarist players ever and the man I had a school girl crush on had almost got hit by my throwing a rock. I stopped talking all together when he gently took a hold of me by my shoulders, his smile melting me from the inside. 'It's ok....look how 'bout we just step in to that pub across the street. seems might do you some good to sit down.' I just nodded and let him lead me over to the pub.

We found a table near the back and he ordered two pints for us. 'Now...seeing as how you're a fan for recognizing me. Mind I ask why the rock throwing?' He smiled again, looking into my eyes and gently taking hold of my hands. My hands tend to be cold a lot and his were just so warm that it helped me to relax as I felt him slowly rubbing mine to warm them up. "Well.... you see. I just broke up with my boyfriend. Or more like he dumped me while we were at The Kitchen. Something about another girl who he'd met at his work...I didn't really stay to hear the rest. I didn't think there'd be anyone out on the street when I threw that rock out of pure frustration" Edge was so sweet and he listened to my whole story about my moving to Ireland to be with Trent, taking a job to help pay for rent...everything. 'Well sounds like he's the arse who's lost a very nice girl... It's his loss and your gain since now you'll be able to find the right guy for you' Edge hadn't stopped rubbing my hands the whole time while we drank our pints. Soon we were having more drinks and talking more causually about anything that came to our minds. I was having such a great time that I didn't realize the time until I began to yawn a bit. Edge looked at his watch and looked surprised. 'Oh.... seems I've kept you for several hours now. It's gotten late and you're probably really tired... I should let you. Wait. Do you even have somewhere to crash? I mean I don't think you'll be wanting to go back to his place' I blushed. I actually blushed when he asked me that and looked down a bit. " not really. I figure I can just sneek back into his place to crash for a couple hours before packing up my stuff. It's ok. I've loved getting the chance to talk to you" For the countless time since meeting him I melted at seeing him smile. 'No no. That won't do....I'll get you a room in a nice hotel. Can't have one of our beautiful fans go with no place to stay in. I don't want to hear any protest 'bout it either. I insist I help after you were so nice to miss hitting me.' I laughed at his last comment and agreed to let him find me a place to stay for the night.

ok only ending it here 'coz i've run out of time to use the computer. Sadly I don't have my own and have to use ones @ my old school. Tell me what you think so far. Should I continue or just let this go ? heheh You can tell me if I'm a bad writer. They say you're your own worst critic and it's true so let me know kiddies.

TTFN....ta ta for now.
it's good so far. The only problem IMO is the paragraph forming. Can you start a new paragraph when someone talks please. ( makes it easier on the eyes.)
at the request of madamadam I'll do my best to space out the story a lil more so it's easier on the eyes of any reader. Hmmm well other than sleeping all the time...hehe there's an obvious reason why i failed english class each time. be thankful i spaced at all...most times i have a terrible habit of just squishing everything together. *laughs*

It didn't take us long to be able to find a hotel ,might I add Expensive, for me to stay in and the ride in search of one was just about the best part of it all. I was really glad to find out that unlike his best mate, Edge was a calm and safe driver so there was no reason for me to be praying to God or hanging on for dear life in hopes we didn't somehow ended up in the liffey. I must say this for him... he's got great taste in more than just his guitars. Once we stepped into the hotel I was amazed at how beautiful it was and I knew that I easily stood out from what they must have a regular clients. Me looking around everywhere in a pair of high heeled shoes that had straps to wrap up around my calf, a simple crimson strapless dress with my hair done in ringlets. Edge in a glace simply was dressed in sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt but if you knew anything about fashion then you could tell that it was all designer. He didn't have any trouble chatting up the woman behind the desk into getting me a room for the night and if I'd heard the prices for just a single night I'd have quickly started pulling him out to find some place a lot less pricey. When everything was paid for Edge walked over and gently took my hand so he could lead me up to my room, smiling when I blushed for the countless time in the night since meeting up with him.

Room 502. I couldn't supress any of the giggles that were escaping me while I had Edge behind me with his hands covering my eyes so I wouldn't peek until we got into the room. He seemed to be having a lot of fun playing this game and I had to bite my tongue whenever I'd feel his breath softly brush against my neck in his laugh or talking quietly like it was all a big surprise.
Once we managed to walk in he let me go and stood back to watch my reaction. I was in complete shock. The room was HUGE and somehow my brain just quite couldn't put together the facts that we were just entering the living room and not the entire area. I slowly walked around, feeling almost like this was all a dream and the truth would show that I hadn't really met Edge but instead I would wake up crashed somewhere in Trent's flat.

" Edge tell me this isn't the room you got for just me. It's... It's just. Wow. I mean I honestly don't think I could thank you enough or think of what I could do to repay you."

I was babbling and didn't care. I was like a kid on christmas, not believing all the stuff Santa left for me. That's when I noticed the double doors and walked over to try opening them. Ofcourse they did open. Right into a bedroom that looked about the size of a flat with a four post queen sized monster of a bed. I couldn't take my eyes off the bed because it looked so comfortable with all the various pillows to pick from.

'I'm glad you like the room.....when Amy at the front desk told me they didn't have that many available rooms I was worried you might be disappointed that we couldn't get a good room'

Edge walked over and hugged me, sweetly kissing my forehead as I could see he was happy that I liked my room so much. He looked so cute when he smiled, he had one of those smiles that went right to his eyes. Oh his eyes. Those unbelievable green eyes that made so many melt but didn't have a clue of their power to have people happily follow him.

"I'd ask you in for some coffee but not only do I not know where in the world the coffee could be....I'm sure you need to get home after all the beyond amazing things you've done for this humble lil fan"

Thankfully I managed not to blush while joking with him so I could hear that laugh I'd come to love hearing. We both walked back over to the door and after running out of things we could talk about so he didn't have to leave yet, managed to say our goodnights. Edge leaned down and this time kissed my cheek, softly whispering for me to have sweet dreams tonight. If I hadn't been careful I know I would have ended up bitting my tongue so hard that blood would have been drawn from my trying not to shiver. I felt like such a school girl doing what she could to not show that she liked a boy from her class. He really wasn't That much older than me if you counted the years yet here I was giggling and blushing whenever he'd pay attention to me. Christ. He probably thought I was this cute lil fan that he could charm into doing some errands for him after he showed such generosity being a rock star and all. Somehow I didn't care. Even if he was that kind of rock star I just didn't care because he'd been so sweet and wonderful during the whole time I was around him that I would happily do anything to pay him back.

After he left and I was alone in my room, the first thought to pass through my mind was The Bed. I made a quick run for the bedroom and dived right into all those pillows and giant comforter, loving the softness that brushed my skin. I just layed there, using up every inch I could of that bed and not thinking of anything. I knew tomorrow would be a different story and I'd have to face Trent but for tonight I was away from all of that. Tonight I was staying at a wonderful hotel thanks to a even more wonderful man who if luck was on my side might end up being my friend. Friends with Edge...yeah I could happily live with that fate. I soon fell asleep and wouldn't get Edge's note he left for me up at the front desk until morning to meet him for lunch. Yep. Tomorrow would definity be a different story.

how's that ? hope that was a lil easier on the eyes.
Sorry folks but with hurricane after blasted hurricane hitting our area...there just hasn't been much time to be able to sit down and get any thing done for my lil story *sigh* hopefully after this next one is done with I can be online more to finish this. It must have an ending...can't let it stay unfinished forever.
JemEvans said:
Sorry folks but with hurricane after blasted hurricane hitting our area...there just hasn't been much time to be able to sit down and get any thing done for my lil story *sigh* hopefully after this next one is done with I can be online more to finish this. It must have an ending...can't let it stay unfinished forever.

Oh Gosh! Everything right with you?
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