KRock in NY says they're getting it tommorrow and will play it first

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haha, that cabbie...faked everyone out!! I still am wondering what the deal is with HTDAAB being included on the Ipod. If you distribute it, will the Ipod self-destruct?
VertiGone said:
haha, that cabbie...faked everyone out!! I still am wondering what the deal is with HTDAAB being included on the Ipod. If you distribute it, will the Ipod self-destruct?

My bet is they wouldn't give yo uthe Ipod until the album's out.
I've been listening to KROQ. Man, they are *really* hyping up U2 and the new single.

I wouldn't get all warm and fuzzy though because radio is all about payola anyway. I guarantee you a lot of that $17m is going towards making sure Vertigo is played.

If I get a hold of the DJ I will confirm about the new album being on the iPod, but my guess is that they will give you the iPod right away and pre-pay the iTunes download of HTDAAB so you can download it when its released. IMO, there's just NO WAY they would let it out early like that.
Hey! That was ME!!!

Haha! I wish! I wouldn't care HOW stupid I'd sound on the radio. A fully loaded U2 iPod ... :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

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