July 8th and 9th- Hippodrome- Montreal!! (Part 8)

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We are here! Huzzah! Even though the girls went to see the Claw today (I won't tell you what adjectives they used to describe it) I think we'll have a look-see tomorrow.

I'm thinking the line might start tomorrow since ppl will be coming in from Chicago :crack:

i AM NOT SLEEPING AT ALL TONIGHT! So tired! spent so much time on my feet.... about to shower and head to the airport

the last 15 pages in this thread look like gobledigook so I am skipping them/

i AM NOT SLEEPING AT ALL TONIGHT! So tired! spent so much time on my feet.... about to shower and head to the airport

the last 15 pages in this thread look like gobledigook so I am skipping them/

Sounds like a good reason to soundboard it with the rest of us....:wink:
We are here! Huzzah! Even though the girls went to see the Claw today (I won't tell you what adjectives they used to describe it) I think we'll have a look-see tomorrow.

I'm thinking the line might start tomorrow since ppl will be coming in from Chicago :crack:

I really hope that's not the case. I leave tomorrow morning. :crack:
Do we have an active list of those soundboarding it and those lining up? I know those who are going to the second night are lining up for that show.
:wave: Soundboard Friday, Line up Saturday

Pub Thursday....won't get there until 9:30ish

Can't wait to see certain people again and meet a bunch of you for the first time!:love:
not sure if any of my "housemates" for montreal are on this forum...woot woot, leaving in 15 minutes...
kerri from fargo:wave:
What time are you planning to get into line???:ohmy:

I believe Interpol starts at 7 pm and U2 will be on the stage by 9 pm .

I considered going down to see what the scene was tomorrow night since I'm walking distance. I wonder if they will have a sign in like some places have done. I considered going down in the morning - not sure when. I think I have resigned myself to NOT get a rail spot this tour. :sad: If I were with friends, I might have been able to do it. My husband is a fan, but could really care less about being rightthere. I'm hoping I can get 3 or 4 deep in the pit at this point.
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