Joy Division

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War Child
Jan 18, 2004
So...who else here loves this band? Their tense, dancey, ambient sound is so striking and was surely an influence on very early U2. They only recorded two albums (three if you count the aborted 'Warsaw') but in that small span of activity produced a markedly impassioned body of work. Too bad they only got to explore as a band for such a short time. If you haven't heard them, check them out.

YouTube - Joy Division - Disorder
YouTube - She's Lost Control-Joy DivisionYouTube - JOY DIVISION - COLONY (Play Loud!)
YouTube - Joy Division - Atmosphere

I'm sure just about everybody on this forum likes a bit of Curtis and co action. I personally prefer Closer to Unknown Pleasures.
Disorder is probably my favourite song, and Unknown Pleasures is possibly a top ten album of mine.....


all are:drool:worthy
Amazing band. Both Unknown Pleasures and Closer are great records, although I'm leaning now towards the latter one as being my favourite (the last 5 songs or so are fantastic).

Plenty of non-album tracks that are equally amazing. Dead Souls :drool:
I will firmly maintain that Unknown Pleasures is a superior album to Closer. Songs like Disorder, She's Lost Control, and especially New Dawn Fades are fucking incredible. In fact, the only dud track on the album is I Remember Nothing, while I'm honestly not all that enthused by multiple tracks on Closer. That said, Atrocity Exhibition and Twenty Four Hours are exceptional.
"Disorder" is brilliant. "Ceremony" ain't no slouch, either. The New Order version is immaculately recorded, and pretty much a note-for-note, word-for-word cover. Brilliant.
I will firmly maintain that Unknown Pleasures is a superior album to Closer. Songs like Disorder, She's Lost Control, and especially New Dawn Fades are fucking incredible. In fact, the only dud track on the album is I Remember Nothing, while I'm honestly not all that enthused by multiple tracks on Closer. That said, Atrocity Exhibition and Twenty Four Hours are exceptional.

I've always liked Unknown Pleasures more. I love Closer but sometimes it's just a little too heavy for me to listen to all the way through...gotta be in the right mood. I also like the slightly dancier feel of Unknown Pleasures.
new order always struck me as the bad kind of 80s music, i never could get into them. feel-goody happy music? no wonder i don't like it. joy division makes me happy.

the killers version of "shadowplay" sucks in a way that is almost a musical crime. way to take a kickass song and make it boring.
I really liked the movie, and it made me give Joy Division another try. But nope, still don't like his voice. I like the songs, though, so it just made me bummed that his voice bugs me so much.

Sorry, dead guy.
I think they really had their own sound, their wasn't a broad-application for it, nor were they going to be master artists in terms of music composition or sound-production, but they were definitely influential on the 80's sound that followed, however (and this is coming from someone who listens to JD) their cemented place in history both in influence and in popularity stems from the unfortunate unbalance of their songwriter much like Nirvana, neither were completely written off and unpopular prior to the deaths, but they certainly gained a following, legend and influence as a result of those events. That said, you can very much doubt that the mood they got across or the pain they explored would come from someone a little more run-of-the-mill and stable.

All that said, Shadowplay is one of the coolest songs ever, same with Transmission.
IWB, you should rent and watch this:


It's good. :up:

yeah, that's what my buddy from work was saying, i need to see that. i'm still working on tracking it down. i'm thinking i'll sign up for netflix, get that for my 2 week free trial and then cancel. i meant to keep an eye out for it to come to one of the small, independent theaters around here when it came out, but if it did i completely missed it.
however (and this is coming from someone who listens to JD) their cemented place in history both in influence and in popularity stems from the unfortunate unbalance of their songwriter much like Nirvana, neither were completely written off and unpopular prior to the deaths, but they certainly gained a following, legend and influence as a result of those events.

You're probably at least partially right as their deaths certainly added another dimension to their songs, but I think its also a case of both bands not having a chance to fuck up their legacies.
True, which adds to what I meant about their legacies being cemented by those events.

Also, question Jive, what the heck is your avatar?

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