John Mayer

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Aug 28, 2001
FYM - Aka S|aney/Redpill
Any John Mayer fans around here? What a freakin' genius this guy is.

Heavier Things. What an awesome feat! His CD went into my CD player 2 months ago and never came back out. (Well, I can't really say that, Coldplay has been the only other CD to enter the holy of holies).

U2, John Mayer, Radiohead and Coldplay. Does life get any better than this?
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I know I've heard some people here say that they like John Mayer. I don't dislike him, but he doesn't really excite me. I can listen to him all right though.
I really don't have an opinion about him and have no interest in checking his stuff out, but even my buddy who's a fan of Ryan Adams other singer/songwriters hates his guts :tongue: not sure why I always thought he digged him until he told me he hates him, go figure :huh:

BTW Bonochick, Ryan Adams ain't so bad been listening to some of his tunes, thanks to my buddy who's a huge fan :wink:
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he's a dave matthews-esque singer/songwriter who's quite big with the mtv crowd

he comes across as quite a nice guy in the interviews i've read with him

not really my thing though (like bonochick says he doesn't really excite me). i don't think he deserves all the stick he gets.
Just making sure I didn't need to kick any ass in this thread... :|

S|aney, for a long time I thought I was the only John Mayer fan in all of Interland. I actually saw him in concert last summer. Some people think this should disqualify me from being a moderator (not to name any names, ::coughcoughcougheadsonstickshackhack:: of course), but I think he's quite talented and has seemed in interviews to display a refreshing lack of ego. He played a guitar solo during "Come Back to Bed" when I saw him live that was actually, dare I say it, Stevie Ray Vaughan-esque, who we all know was no slouch with a guitar.
Thanks paxetaurora!

The funny thing is, that everybody here puts him down and they haven't even heard the new album. I guess he has more appeal to musician/songwriters. I actually started listening to him a couple years ago when Elton John kept raving about how incredible John Mayer's songwriting abilities are and what a humble guy he is.

John Mayer has actually said that the reason he pursued music was due to Stevi Ray Vaughn's influence on him. As a matter of fact, I just saw John on Austin City Limits recently and he was peforming with Double Trouble (Stevie Ray's old band) and Buddy Guy.

John Mayer is one badass songwriter. :yes:
Insecurity blows

I know it's hard to admit that I'm right, but just face it, John Mayer is the king of all songwriters at this point in time. I know it's hard to admit that you're wrong, but just embrace your defeat.

I know that it's hard to look past U2. Yes, I admit it. They are the master of all songwriting, but you need to venture out once in a while. I know it's hard for all you non-musicians to grasp the concept that there are other legitimate songwriters out there, but please try to keep up.

Let's start with the obvious. John Mayer is heavily influenced by blues (Mostly Stevie Ray Vaughn, the true God who most of you should bow down to right now and worship) and jazz. He has managed to fuse both of these genres together to create a new kind of pop music.

By now I've lost most of you because you have ADD, but I will press on. John Mayer brings a fresh experience to the palate of music and the written word. In a society where self-pity and depression seem to rein over the populous, John rises above it all to give us positive voice. His lyrics inspire and challenge us to be a better person.

I'm tired of boring lyrics and music that refuses to challenge the working musician. It's really getting old!

If you hate John Mayer, then you are an insecure asshole. I know it's hard for you to admit that I'm right, but I am.

Get over it!* :madspit:

* I had to edit this post to add my favorite smilie. :madspit:
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paxetaurora said:
Just making sure I didn't need to kick any ass in this thread... :|

S|aney, for a long time I thought I was the only John Mayer fan in all of Interland. I actually saw him in concert last summer. Some people think this should disqualify me from being a moderator (not to name any names, ::coughcoughcougheadsonstickshackhack:: of course)

hey, i calls `em like i see's `em. :wink:

:wave: hi abby!
Re: Insecurity blows

S|aney said:
I know it's hard to admit that I'm right, but just face it, John Mayer is the king of all songwriters at this point in time. I know it's hard to admit that you're wrong, but just embrace your defeat.

I know that it's hard to look past U2. Yes, I admit it. They are the master of all songwriting, but you need to venture out once in a while. I know it's hard for all you non-musicians to grasp the concept that there are other legitimate songwriters out there, but please try to keep up.

Let's start with the obvious. John Mayer is heavily influenced by blues (Mostly Stevie Ray Vaughn, the true God who most of you should bow down to right now and worship) and jazz. He has managed to fuse both of these genres together to create a new kind of pop music.

By now I've lost most of you because you have ADD, but I will press on. John Mayer brings a fresh experience to the palate of music and the written word. In a society where self-pity and depression seem to rein over the populous, John rises above it all to give us positive voice. His lyrics inspire and challenge us to be a better person.

I'm tired of boring lyrics and music that refuses to challenge the working musician. It's really getting old!

If you hate John Mayer, then you are an insecure asshole. I know it's hard for you to admit that I'm right, but I am.

Get over it!* :madspit:

* I had to edit this post to add my favorite smilie. :madspit:

Im glad you enjoy his music so much, continue to do that, but as for the statment made above I disagree.
I find John Mayer boring, and an average songwriter. But what do I know?


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