jaw pain

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Do you have TMJ? Because I have a mild case of it and I can say that its is rather annoying. Difficult to keep your mouth open for long periods of time. I even have problems chewing gum for any longer than about 5 minutes :down:
I am forever trying to do exercises by just popping my jaw but it always hurts but won't pop.

well now I am convinced I have TMJ. it used to hurt for me to eat apples but I got over it and now I eat one everyday. and I chew too much gum. I guess I should cut back huh.

I guess I should cut back huh.

Or see your dentist.

I have a "dysfunctinal jaw". It's quite painful if it won't click/pop into place. I just got impressions taken for a mouth guard to wear at night. The dentist reckons I grind my teeth a lot and that isn't helping the problem.
Years ago when I saw a doctor for TMJ he said there's really nothing to do unless I wanted surgery.

Um yeah no.
Yeah you think that's funny, at first I thought it was Varitek posting :scream:

Damn V's :angry:
The best thing I can suggest as a massage therapist would be to try gently massaging your jaw muscles beforehand. I have clenching/grinding issues at night too, so if I have an early morning dentist appointment or something, it helps to do that :yes:
I'd say see a dentist, maybe your pain is caused by a gum infection rather than a jaw related problem. It happened to me and it went away once the dentist solved the gum problem. :shrug:
shit i was just at the dentist and said nothing.
it's been like this forever on and off but never caused such a problem :angry:

strangely enough for someone who's been through quite the advil phase (track injury), i have not actually tried taking like 4ish advil or whatever. i just feel like otc painkillers don't work when used responsibly. meh.

and reggie i do apologize. it's probably lame that i am sharing this dilemma on an internet message board, but i'm hardly on here anymore so i don't feel weird at all, actually. ;)

but yes sorry about the mental image.
Ok - i am a Dentist, you might be grinding at night (if this is the case you need a splint), or maybe have a TMJ xray done.
Also like Kafrun suggested maybe massaging might help!
Good luck! :heart:
VertigoGal said:

and reggie i do apologize. it's probably lame that i am sharing this dilemma on an internet message board, but i'm hardly on here anymore so i don't feel weird at all, actually. ;)

Veeg...don't worry...I'm just revert to 'Dad' mode whenever I see you post...:cute:

However I know you're...um...'maturing'...so it's natural that 'jaw pain' could interfere in a relationship...:ohmy:

Miss you kid! Good luck getting this taken care of...:up:
philly80 said:
Ok - i am a Dentist, you might be grinding at night (if this is the case you need a splint)

I'm getting my splint tomorrow. :yes:

My dentist said he reckons I might be able to gnaw through it. Is he just joking? :yikes: :uhoh:
Lara Mullen said:

I'm getting my splint tomorrow. :yes:

My dentist said he reckons I might be able to gnaw through it. Is he just joking? :yikes: :uhoh:

Ha ha! i have actually seen this happen just once! but it took a long time for the patient to do this :lol:
Lara Mullen said:

I'm getting my splint tomorrow. :yes:

My dentist said he reckons I might be able to gnaw through it. Is he just joking? :yikes: :uhoh:


I don't think I grind my teeth...is that the kind of thing that other people would notice, or could I be doing this every night without ever having a clue? What a scary though.

yeah I apologize for making out to be a slut to my temple bar buddies and all- but I had to see if the jaw thing was heard of, and there are not many other places I would bluntly ask that. :shifty:
philly80 said:

Ha ha! i have actually seen this happen just once! but it took a long time for the patient to do this :lol:

That's good. I couldn't afford another one anytime soon. :lol: I went private last year and it's expensive but I love my dentist.

VG, nobody has ever mentioned me grinding my teeth before. I have woken myself up some nights though, especially if I feel very stressed, and I know I've been grinding them. I can't really explain the feeling.

Hope you get it sorted. :wave:
Instead of grinding your teeth, do you clench your jaw? That can also cause the pain and even headaches, pain in the neck.

Hope it feels better soon.

I started clenching my jaw when I was in college. Everytime I catch myself doing it I try some relaxation exercises. Although, sometimes you don't know that you do it until you wake up.:huh:
Like Kafrun said too, you would want to massage your jaw. If you can find a massage therapist that specializes in TMJ work, your best bet would be to see them. I had teacher that specialized in working with people with TMJ and I think she was pretty reasonable. She of course wore gloves and everything as she had to massage inside your mouth, but she charged like $20 for 30 minutes or something.

I have problems with my jaw too. I don't grind my teeth but I clench them. I'm told to cut stress out of my life. :lmao: I'm 27 years old......stress is just beginning!!!
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