Jan. 3rd, Latest U2 Video to air on Qtv ? / First single release speculation?

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I hope someone is recording the show just in case?
I have Audacity ready to go just in case something happens.

Has anyone in Ireland actually tried to PHONE Dave Fanning during the show? Most DJs take listener calls - maybe someone could ASK Fanning if he has an news?
I second this. Someone on that end of the world should call in and see what's what!
The first station to play Vertigo was in Croatia not Dave Fanning, and honestly I could see the same thing happening again that an unknown station will have a copy and play it before its supposed to be played...which is fine with me :)

And like the Croatian play of "Vertigo", or the HTDAAB or NLotH beach clips, someone is bound to talk over either part of the track or all of it (as in the case of the beach clips).

Because when I'm trying to leak a track to the whole world, I know people listening really want me to drown out the music with my rambling.
Fanning has traditionally gotten the exclusive 1st official play for many years. Whether it happens tonite or not is up for grabs. Although I thought there was usually some promo leading up to it.

Someone has to find the phone number first. Having Skype won't do you any good if you don't know the number.

Haha...the guy's going to have four dozen emails within the next 20 minutes, huh?

Someone should be listening to Croatian radio tonight.....:wink:
Everyone, get a grip. Fanning's not going to play it tonight. :crack: I can assure you there would have been an announcement of some sort. No radio station would suddenly air a new U2 single without trying to draw in as many listeners as possible.
Everyone, get a grip. Fanning's not going to play it tonight. :crack: I can assure you there would have been an announcement of some sort. No radio station would suddenly air a new U2 single without trying to draw in as many listeners as possible.

Yep. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a tidbit of information, probably something vague but enough to spawn a 30 page thread here, but there's no way he's actually playing the song,even if he had it.
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