It's Official #stress

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Blue Crack Addict
Oct 31, 2001
Norwich, England
  • My apartment building in Maryland STILL has not sent my deposit back to me, despite numerous phone calls from my former roommate and me.
  • I have to pay my fees for Nottingham by Sept. 1st to get 5% off, but my loan isn't even being SENT to me until September 15th.
  • My loan is being sent to my dad's address, which means he will have to send it to my back in Virginia to have it deposited into my account, so my loan won't be available to me until late September, after I have already moved to Nottingham.
  • I have to pay for my housing with my loan too.
  • I don't have enough money in my bank account to cover these expenses, and my credit limit is only $750 (~?500)
  • My old cable company owes me $55.
  • If I don't find a job here next year, I will have to move back to the US.
  • I don't have anywhere to live in the US.
  • After completing my MA in Modern History I will still be completely unqualified for any job.
  • My laptop will take "10-14 days to evaluate."
  • I evaluated it.
  • It won't even turn on.
  • They won't send me a new one.
Oh dear...I know how u feel on the money matter...the student loan business is sooo stupid They are giving me the lowest amount at the start of the year which is when I need the most moeny and give the largest amount at the end of the year when the term is bloody shorter!!!

What is that about?!!! :rant: :confused:

I understand about the degree part. But look on the bright side?you could have been rejected from the MA-that-won't-be-good-for-a-job-program in the first place.

(That's what happened to me).
:hug: I'm sorry you're having such a stressful time. Student loands are so much hassle. If you're living in uni accomodation then they're usually good about letting you pay your rent a week or two late if you're waiting for a student loan.

Hope things get better soon.
Shit meggie :| That blows!! You cant move back to the U.S. though.. you will find a job, you have to.

Stupid cable companies and landlords and schools :down: :yell:
an american in my course got a there's hope. i guess i'm just dumb or unlucky. who knows. but apparently it is very possible. even in london. even without job experience. ok, how the hell did she get it and not me??! oh, i didn't apply. that's why. damn dissertation. :uhoh:
The computer people company HAVE to give you a new computer.
Try not to stress about money......... I always try to fast forward and think? Will it really matter in a year or two? Usually it won't.
I have faith you will figure something out before the 1st, and well... if you don't, it's only 5%, not 50%. :shrug:
You will get a job.
A good job.
No education is a waste.
You have Sam.
You live in England :)
btw- You have Sam.
Oh and did I mention? You have Sam?
Things will turn around.
That's what I keep telling myself.
:hmm: but I don't have Sam.
Sharey's? :flirt:

Now I just got an email from my dad saying that the university sent something to my Maryland address (despite the fact that I sent them the new London address in May)was then forwarded to my dad's address, that I have to respond to by August 8th. He sent it to me yesterday, which means that I will probably get it on August 7th.


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