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Staff member
Nov 17, 2000
Cherry Lane
So check it...I was sitting on the loveseat, enjoying my Ryan Adams DVD and some lasagna. My chocolate lab comes over, puts his head on my lap, and then moves in on the lasagna! How rude!!! That big, disgusting tongue licking my lasagna.

Yeah, I still ate it.
complete with test tubes and bunsen burners and all sorts of fancy equipment i don't know the name of

it ain't no kids' chemistry set!

right bc?

maybe it's got a bear rug on the floor and the bear has a tongue that licks

:p<-- or :tongue: <---
Bonochick said:
So check it...I was sitting on the loveseat, enjoying my Slane DVD and some chocalate cake. Mr. BAW comes over, puts his head on my lap, and then moves in on the cake! How rude!!! That big, disgusting tongue licking my cake.

Yeah, I still ate it.

See how doggies can imitate life!!!

Hi BC :wave:
Mr. BAW!!!! :hyper: :wave:

One of my cats ran off with an entire graham cracker hanging out of her mouth. She picked it up from my stack and took off! You'd think we never fed these animals or something...
My sister's cats are both a couple of tubs. Allie was sitting on the cedar chest, peering out the window between the curtains. I laughed and said, "See anything good out there, Fatty?" She turned around and gave me the dirtiest she knew I was teasing her. :lmao:

Her other cat Mitzie once stood over a short candle that was burning, and her belly started smoking. :lmao:
:lmao: I want you to meet Fat Zoe bc. She'd love your humour. Not!
She is so pissy she spits acid from her eyes. We also call her vinegar tits. And fattyboomsticks.

There is no PC in my house.


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