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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 27, 2001
back and to the left
my roommate's boyfriend likes to use my computer all the time.

and obviously, a lilly without a computer is just :crazy:

i have the right to be pissed about this, right?

*it should be explained that i'm pretty positive the whole reason my computer was corrupted before was because he downloaded something with a virus on it. :angry: :rant: :censored:
tell him to get off your computer. if he's the one who gave your computer the virus, i wouldnt let him use it again. you have every right to be pissed. its your computer.

or if he uses it while your not there you can always secretly unplug the moniter from the screen. its what i do sometimes to deter anyone from using my computer. im anal like that
i think he's smart enough to figure it out....

i might just create a password to get on, then make a limited account for my roommate so he can play games on her account only and not be able to download stuff...:hmm:
Lilly said:
i think he's smart enough to figure it out....

i might just create a password to get on, then make a limited account for my roommate so he can play games on her account only and not be able to download stuff...:hmm:

do it!

on a side

exactly who is WHO's wife around here?
I get confuzzled
Be super careful though!!! If he gave your computer a virus, I'd be really careful about touching him and sitting in the chair after he does. You dont want to get that virus yourself!
noooooobody touches my computer.

tell him no, never again...keep your virus downloading self away from the computer buddy :mad:
I would implement the slap a mofo techinque.
Be all *SLAP* Hey bitch get the hell off my computer. Why don't your broke ass go out and get your own. Shiiiiit.

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