it's official #hello my name is screaming flour. would you like to be my friend?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Oh it's down by the river alright.

Care to spelunker?


Although, might I suggest a crew for your cox creation.

Some deckhands to man the ship?

yertle-the-turtle said:
I don't think Mr. Power Bear is that powerful

no. Actually, you are correct.

Hent the Power Bear is an old Advertising Icon from the North River Bend Power Collective. It was around from 1963 until 1976. The charachter actually has a tragic of the charachter actors that played Hent in local parades, children's picnics and fun fairs was caught schtoopin' one of the "sad" clowns after the Taventon "Happy Days" Parade. They were using the back of the old Taverton Fire and Rescue Ambulance (you guys remember the cadilac ambulances...they look like hearses?). They were in clear sight of kiddie weenie roast at the fire station, still in full costume.

Well, the NRBPC got such bad press, the decided to just drop Hent the Power Bear all together. They had reams and reams of stationery, as well as about six cases of Hent the Power Bear head bands.

These days, you can find the head bands all over the tri-state area at local antique stores. You get top dollar for them! The paper (remember, this was 1976, and recycling really hadn't hit the middle of the country yet) was used to fuel the Taverton Central High School Homecoming Bonfire well into the early eighties.

sad story. Hent could have been a legendary advertsing icon!
i like this thread now. can i say that about my own thread? :angry:

:heart: randomness :heart:

hi angel!! :wave:

power bears :down:

cujo :down:

othershannon, i am not hungry right now. :|
this thread has wilted like a bitter flower.

i dislike potpourri.

unless it's a category. disturb me to the point of insanity...there....I am insane now...freedom cometh when you learn to let go..


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