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Staff member
Nov 17, 2000
Cherry Lane
I liked to call the time and temperature lady a lot, but she never wanted to talk about anything but the time and temperature...then she would hang up on me. That sucked.
When guys on the Internet would ask for my phone number, I'd give them hers. Maybe that's why she would never talk to me.

Toby is a teddybear I have. He was named after a man's stomach. Toby was always hungry...he ate a lot, considering he's a teddybear. He was one of the only boys allowed at our sleepovers.

One time, Adrienne and I were walking around her neighborhood, and we found a shopping cart from the grocery store. We took it back to her house, and I brought it inside (even though she yelled at me not to), and we played with it in her living room. Kim came over to play too. We called the grocery store and told them we had one of their carts in our living room and asked them what to do with it. They asked if we could bring it back. We said sure. Adrienne left it in an alley.

Whenever we took my car to the carwash, we'd have to bring towels or napkins because the t-tops would leak like crazy.

One time, Kim, Mike, and I were in the parking lot of a tanning place right by Mike's house at night. Kim had to pee, so Mike bet her $5 to pee out in front of the car. She did, and I turned the headlights on while she did. My hand slipped, I swear.

Since Rodney worked at the Pine Tree Mall, I thought his hat should be like a pine tree. I drew him a picture of it and told him to run it by his boss, but he just laughed at me.

When Kim and I would go to Fat Lady's Beach, she was often amused by throwing dead fish at me.

At a homecoming assembly in high school, I wore a box with a big 'E' on it to help spell out "SENIORS". I wanted the big 'O', but that must be like a really popular one because I hear lots of people talking about it.

After a sleepover at my house, there was a pair of underwear with holes that was left behind. Nobody would claim them. To this day, I wonder who they belonged to.
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Emily is a dead rabbit and also a good friend of mine who likes to hang up on me when I call her from Ryan Adams concerts because she doesn't realize what is going on.
in my world emily is not a rabbit. she is strange.

i'm going to wreak havoc if you're not careful.

i'll do it. i swear i will. :mad:

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