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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Originally posted by Bathtime Fun Whortense:
i command people to post pictures in this thread. i don't care what it is. if you talk, i will rip your cloyd out of your blattus. yes, that's right.

the hunter is captured by the game
Originally posted by Bathtime Fun Whortense:
no no...i'm allowed to talk, not you.

*rips out a cloyd.

*takes away picture of Chris*

The hunter gets captured by the game
Originally posted by zonelistener:
You guys see the last show...he is dating someone from Minneapolis! My friend knows that guy!


Tell him to pull some strings and get melon and introduction to Chris!

We plants are happy plants.
Originally posted by Bathtime Fun Whortense:
i'm insanely jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111


Whoa-time out!

That does it, i'm going to have to go and get the Sexual Harassment Panda involved in this!
Originally posted by zonelistener:
Dearest Whortense - you must get out of funroe and visit this city where Chris' beau might like it.

happen to know where chris is currently/???????//?????//

~whortense wiffin
walla walla, washington
Originally posted by zonelistener:
Not Chris...but I can hook you up....

are you talking about chris or his object of affection?

chris is probably more attainable actually. if he still lives in massachusetts, i'm moving there this fall. not on purpose, but a coincidence. i'm excited about a graduate school out there!

~whortense wiffin
walla walla, washington

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