It So Fickle #6

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Sep 18, 2001
Fort Wayne, IN
I saw REM and Wilco last night. It was quite good, although our seats were not that close. It turned out ok though because the guy next to us let us use his binoculars a lot. And we were in the $40 range, whereas everyone else in our section (towards the center) had to pay $80 for seats just as far away! The closer seats went up to like $300. !@!*__()*()*)$*)_

Wilco was solid, and I like their stuff, but it was hard to get a good grasp of their stage presence from where I was. They don't dance frenetically around like Stipe does.

REM was very good. Man on the Moon and It's the End of the World were highlights for me. For Man on the Moon they had an Andy Kaufman impersonator come out and just be goofy, throwing water on the bandmembers, and getting tackled by a roadie (or a security guard) I dunno. I didn't have the binoculars then. Also, there was an almost full moon, Michael Stipe called it the 2nd night of the full moon.

EofW was cool because Stipe went out into the audience on the catwalk kind of thing- and (I thought of the heart immediately) and let people in the crowd sing "fine" during the chorus. And everyone was jumping up and down, which was really the only song where they did this. (with a couple excpetions).

One final note. The Hollywood Bowl looks huge when it's full.
I wish REM were coming to Milwaukee ...

I am excited about Simon and Garfunkel going on tour.

Is it just me or does Art Garfunkel look like a very mean man.
bonosgirl84 said:
thanks, zone.
i've seen them before, but it was long ago.


Me too....

Last time I saw them..I was a bit intoxicated. :(

I hate when that happens. It ended up being an interesting night though...:sexywink:

JessicaAnn....I can't go on tuesday see my problem here? :huh:
You do have problems ... but that is entirely another matter.

Being drunk at concerts is interesting ... erm ... those usually aren't memorable concerts.
JessicaAnn said:
You do have problems ... but that is entirely another matter.


THAT drunk concert was memorable. I came into interesting comapny. :sexwink:

M. Stipe rushed through "End of the World" as the sky opened up....the raindrops, the raindrops, the raindrops.

It was quite the drunk romantic evening after that. Too bad she had no clue who Andy Warhol was.
zonelistener said:


THAT drunk concert was memorable. I came into interesting comapny. :sexwink:

M. Stipe rushed through "End of the World" as the sky opened up....the raindrops, the raindrops, the raindrops.

It was quite the drunk romantic evening after that. Too bad she had no clue who Andy Warhol was.

Why are you giving me a :sexwink:?

What does Andy Warhol have to do with this? Andy Warhol ... an interesting fellow. Have you ever read his diaries ... the man was :eyebrow:
it isn't a sexwink...or is it?

I could not continue in a realtionship with a young lady who did not know of Andy Warhol. Nevermind the other 300 issues.

Andy was an interesting fellow! Have you ever read my diaries? :eyebrow:

who was referring to Chagall..twas referring to good ol Andy...just not quick enough on the ol' button..:|
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