It So Fickle #3

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Sep 18, 2001
Fort Wayne, IN
This is kind of like BC's "one time" stories, only not really because it just happened this week.

So there I was just packing up my stuff nicely after class, and this very attractive girl comes over and asks me if I want a ride to this dinner thing that the class is doing.

And I was like, "I don't know" because I totally wasn't expecting it, and because I was thinking about coming there from somewhere else. Then I just said, "you know what, I'll just drive".

Then after mostly everyone leaves, I am going to walk out and the prof., who is talking to two other students, interrupts his conversation with them to tell me "stay here for a minute".

I was thinking, "oh crap, what did I do?"

Then he finishes talking to them and they leave and he hits me on the back of my head with a rolled up paper and says "you idiot".

I thought that was funny.
Well basically I'm just an idiot and am oblivious.

And then after stuff like that happens I over-analyze it to death.

But maybe I will talk to her at the dinner :p.


btw I can never post again because my post count now indicates everything that is true about the cyclops.
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Ody said:
btw I can never post again because my post count now indicates everything that is true about the cyclops.

my first genuine, out-loud laugh of the day. thank you.
I have no idea what I would have done in that situation
and there's a good reason for that
I know I'm terrible :sad:

But it's not intentional. I really am that stupid.

Once this other girl asked me how my "personal life" was, and I started talking about playing sports and my classes.

Then when I left I was like: damn, she just asked me if I had a girlfriend.

See, my mind just doesn't work.
So you've had 2 hot chicks come talk to you? Ody, ody, ody....go talk to them. I bet any money they're on some message board talking about how they tried talking to this guy who doesn't appear to like them...
:lol: Yeah, definitely talk to her at the dinner.

I can't totally laugh though, I'm so oblivious about things as well.
so umm. Yeah I did talk to her at the dinner. And well, it was kind of weird, because I was still intimidated by the whole process. Let's just say that I am far from smooth. *cough*


I have a "coffee appointment" on Thursday, which was of my own design.

So :) :dance:
:lol: Your professor sounds pretty cool!

[edited because I didn't read that you talked to her. :eeklaugh:]

I've been just as oblivious before, though. It sucks when you realize after the fact "heeeyyy, she was just hitting on me!" :sexywink: I've wised up since then, though (I think :slant: ).

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