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Jul 8, 2007
Chicago being too accomodating of a boss?

Here's the deal: My fiancee and I work for this carnival. And currently, we've had to put aside getting a hotel room for a night for six fucking weeks to babysit her fucked up staff because 'we're the only ones she can trust'. Now, generally, I'm not the most patient person in the world - actually, about the only time I'm not short tempered, grouchy, and mean as hell is when it's that time of the month, because I'm too lethargic and sick to be annoyed :D -but I'm this close --><-- to telling this woman to go fuck herself, her bonus, and the rest of her life. I mean seriously, this is like the fifth time she's asked us to do this. And it doesn't help that he keeps agreeing to it like a moron and being surprised that I'm generally a real bitch to him. the math, kiddo - you're working too hard to make sure this person likes you. You forget that we aren't married yet and I can actually pack up and leave. I've even told him he's working on borrowed time. Real borrowed. Of course, it also doesn't help that I've spent all summer being eaten by bugs, had a resurgence of the vomit-your-guts-guts-out kind of periods, and let's not talk about the lovely bronchitis attack, shall we?

See, in my experience, whenever a boss starts in with the 'You're the only one I can trust!" bit, they're pulling one over on you, and you have to give them a none-too-subtle reminder that you have a life, and you need time to go live it. After all, I am not a partner in this business. I do not get extra money from whatever profit they get every week. All I get is $200 a week and fucking tiny bunkhouse that my 19 year old Honda is bigger than. I and my fiancee pay our own gas and food, unless she happens to put fuel in for us. So. I am a bit frayed at the seams when I'm expected to babysit her retarded, drunken staff because she doesn't trust them.

She's apparently promised to 'make it up to us'.

Or so he tells me, anyway.

Unfortunately for her, nothing short of a week at a 5 star hotel, a trip to Ireland, and guitar lessons from The Edge is going to make it up to me. Period. And I actually like her, no less.

Can you tell I gots no patience left?

So, I ask you who are probably a bit more reasonable and patient in general than I am, am I getting worked up over nothing, or am I trying to make a valid point, here?

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