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i would like to thank my father and mother for always helping me and being there for me, I would like to thank my brother and sister, who always cheered me up, I would like to thank my trainer, who helped me achieve this all, I would like to thank my teammates to play really really sucky so I looked to be the best, I would like to thank God, even though I don't believe in his existence, I would like to thank all the testjes people to cheer me up, but especcially I would like to thank me, for being so great. Thank you
I want to thank... me... because without me, none of this would be possible...

Thank you, thank you...

I am not thankful for Chuck Norris ...

I am however thankful for the three handled coffee mug I received today from a client :up:
Sounds like something I'd buy at a novelty store I frequent.


zoney! said:
DUDE, DOUBLE YOU TEE EFF is a three handled cofee mug?

A coffee mug with three handles ...

While this is not an actual photo (because I don't have my digital camera here ... here's what I mean

PS ... it may be the cold medicine I am taking, but it took me a minute to figure out what DOUBLE YOU TEE EFF meant :der:
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