IO:Who should pay for raising the child when sterilisation fails

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE love, blood, life
May 1, 2001
six convenient metro locations
The weather outside is frightful.
Kix makes for a good breakfast cereal.
Tomorrow is a shaving day.
I quit.
I got hired.
I am drunk.
I am hungover.
I ache.
Me and my hubby.
I love you.
I am bored.
Look at the pretty kitty.
I suck.
I'll suck your face.
Patch the walls.
Walk the dog.
Take two and call me in the morning.
24-hour posting people.
It's all the same
It's all the same
Eat to get fitter
Fitter, happier employees
Donor Kabobs contain the sweet meats
Is it bathtime yet?
The water is too hot.
The porridge is too cold.
Left. Right. That-a-way.
listen hear.
listen their.
show your love
steal the show
the customer is always right
come early
leave late
fly the friendly skies
Underwhelming responses
better grammar
more than 1million served
horses' mouth
wive's tale
peach stains
15 minutes of fame
haz mat in the reject box
flocks of turtles
herds of fish
schools of cows
I am thier's
she's somewhere
out hear
Actually it?s a beautiful day
I like eggs
Tomorrow is daiquiri day
No you cant quit, you?re fired
I am way too sober
I need a man
Me and my peanuts
I love them
Yes you suck
Sure Ill suck your face
But I refuse to suck the puck
Or walk the dog
Its all been done
Its all been repeated
Drink to get happier
Happier, drunker IO-ers
Are we there yet
Too hot to handle
Never too hot
Touch here
Touch there.
leisure suits
siezure time
potty training
spiral notebooks
sharpen the caps
pop the pencils
cops with hairspray holsters
firemen with boufant hairstyles
ignore the orange
hail to the beef
It's all about the bun
It's gotta be the dues
re-arrange the sox drawer
ex's with modular clocks
pie pie pie
it's in hear
it's probably not their
*pets thread.

Are you allright there little thread?
Did that big meannie Angeloph Hartler lock you up?
You'll be allright. You are a good thread.

I'll try and prtoect you. Not let anyone else lock you up. leave you to whine.

*pets thread
*hugs thread
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