IO: Gabrielvox bullies newbies aka boycott the taboo thread!

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War Child
Sep 14, 2007
IO: Gabrielvox bullies newbies aka boycot the taboo thread!

gabrielvox said:

Well noone mentioned whether YOU got it or not. You haven't been around long yet, have ya? :wink:

I am just trying to respect the rules in here, and I get bullied!!:mad:

This is to hope that people will start replying here so that your filthy thread will slide to the bottom :madspit: :madspit:
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–verb (used with object)

1. to combine in abstaining from, or preventing dealings with, as a means of intimidation or coercion: to boycott a store.
2. to abstain from buying or using: to boycott foreign products.


3. the practice of boycotting.
4. an instance of boycotting.
Oh! I GET it! My "bullying" shall be met with an appropriate dose of coercion and intimidation!

Right in line with the petty name calling and thinly veiled personal jabs! Perfect!


(this should be fun :hyper: )

PS elevated, you said b-o-y, that's forbidden...or..oh! you 'quoted' it, so it's ok? man these rules are so confusing :huh: )
Can't you see you're giving him what he wants "attention"

(not even a good faux Xono<----as not to break the rules)
OMFG I've been dissed by someone with a grand total of 7 points. What shall I do? :sad:

This is ridiculous. In all seriousness, you nutbars are taking yourselves WAY too seriously. In IO, no less.

I've leave you to your little sandbox, gang. Happy?

gabrielvox said:
In all seriousness, you nutbars are taking yourselves WAY too seriously. In IO, no less.

Dalton said:

I knew not what this 'pwng' word I asked my 12 year old...he patted me on the shoulder and said 'Dad, don't ever use that word. Period. If you do, you'll look like either a useless retard who chats to pre-teens online, or a nerdy parent who's about 3 years behind on the slang and is trying too hard to be cool'

Dalton, I hate to break it to you, but gabrielvox just pwned you.

Or, at the very least, handed you an OH SNAP.

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