INTERVIEW Susan style!!!!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
RB? am i missing something? :reject:

the answer to the above questions:

i don't talk during movies but i HATE it when others do. its so distracting! :mad: one time, when i was seeing Welcome to Mooseport, the lady next to me kept going "hmmm...mmhmm....mmm" it drived me nuts! :crazy:

and no i dont wear long underwear :wink:
I had to go back a page and see what was going on.

RR :flirt: :giggle:

Yes, I am a long underwear advocate. It adds that extra insulation that helps us from freezing completely to death :wink:

Are you a good skater?
:lol: he's a naughty one! :sexywink:

Well i've skated once in my life, but i was pretty good if i do say so myself :D i only fell once!

I suck at skating, ice OR roller.....but I did OK when I was a kid! I would rather watch other people skate. :wink:

What's the very earliest memory you have of your childhood, how old were you?
Oh that was when i was 3 and waiting to go into nursery school :ohmy:

This is bizarre but I have a tiny scar on my face just beneath my right eye. Mom says I was about 2-3 mos old and were at the park, me in the stroller when mom looked over & brushed a bug off my face & there was a little speck of blood. I have a weird memory of lying as an infant looking up into trees then suddenly crying. We wonder if that was when I got the bugbite. I also remember being towed in a wagon with severl kids & I was about 1-1/2 yrs old. The wagon tipped and I fell out, my head hit the ground and a pebble stuck in my forehead. I had 2 stitches, and have the scar to show for it. I remember that happening!

Frosties :up:

what is the nicest thing you have ever eaten?
sweet - lemon sorbet :drool:
savoury - Quorn roast, we had it for christmas dinner quite randomly last year and it was even better than the real thing. :up:

rainbow trout we freshly caught off the great barrier reef up at port douglas, which we took to a local restaurant and they cooked up for us with veges, and lemon sauce thing. perfect end to a perfect day on our honeymoon.

what terrible habits like nail biting do you have?
i fiddle with my hair all the time. i used to be a nail biter, but stopped. now i fidget with my hair and it drives everyone insane!
i also doodle on things. everything. if there's a pen and some paper... off i go. :reject: habits like this, is what i'm asking. nail biting, fidgeting, foot tapping, etc.
Years ago, before they were really big, me and my friends got tickets to see fallout boy. We thought they would be quite good live.. but they sucked, the audience sucked, and they played for about half an hour and left early when the crowd started getting quite violent.
Needless to say, I don't advise a fallout boy concert to anyone any time soon!
RedrocksU2 said:
(Funny thing is, Joe was the best part of the show) :shrug:

Saw him back in 91' w/o the Eagles at the Nautica Stage and the people he had playing with him were terrible. Just made for a bad show.
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