Interference Random Music Talk Pt XVII-Lance's Mom Ed.-Jizz the Bang and the Splatter

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I've gone to buy an album at midnight just once, and that was ATYCLB.

I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue U2 album to get ahold of early.
i also bought atyclb the day it came out (though not at midnight), i think that was the only album (u2 or not) i've ever done it for. pre-internet i usually didn't know about an album's release date until after the fact. the only time i was really waiting impatiently for an album to come out, i just sucked it up and bought an import from japan because it came out earlier.

then i also bought the american version. :reject:

oh and :lol:
I've actually gotten to the point where I have very selective listening when it comes to the words coming out of the man's mouth.
I actually thought the concept was kinda cool, but the execution seemed a little lame. Maybe if he was 20 years younger
The only time that I've really felt embarrassed by Bono was when he did the cat pantomime during "An Cat Dubh" on the Chicago DVD. I still can't watch that scene.
Ha ha. Yeah, that's one of those things I didn't mind in person, but I cringe a bit when I watch it now.

That, and the bird-flapping during Beautiful Day in U23D. :lol:

He's such a dork.
The only time that I've really felt embarrassed by Bono was when he did the cat pantomime during "An Cat Dubh" on the Chicago DVD. I still can't watch that scene.

While I don't get embarrassed over the actions of people unknown to me, that's still a painful thing to watch.....and in the middle of a song I love, no less.
cool to read people's midnight stories. i don't think there's a place in this country that does that, not that i know of anyway.

and yet a Justin Bieber concert had to be cancelled due to overcrowding, and anytime something new with the word Twilight on the cover is released people will line up for days. :doh:

Here we have Laz dismissing an amazing technical achievement because he is offended by the world's most inoffensive band.
No Shuttlecock on the Top 50 Videos list, despite a couple legitimate contenders.

Anyone thinking they're going to show up on the Top 200 Tracks list?

Not me. But apparently Danzig's "Mother '93" and some bullshit from Stone Temple Pilots were good enough to make it.

Apparently there's a mention of Until the End of the Match under the "See also:" footer for The Cure's A Letter to Elise. Not really sure what those have in common, or why each entry get two bonus tracks.
yes, i don't get the "see also" bit, it's nice to see they got a mention at least. seeing UTEOTW in "see also" has dented my hopes of them getting a song in there at all, as it's my favourite 90s song. what else could make it? Stay?
The only time that I've really felt embarrassed by Bono was when he did the cat pantomime during "An Cat Dubh" on the Chicago DVD. I still can't watch that scene.

i was going to post exactly this. the only time.
Maybe it's just because nothing Bono says anymore is of any interest. He would not fucking shut up before "40" on the Chicago DVD.
He's got nothing on Bruce, though, at least in the old days.

Yeah, I've never seen Bruce live :)sad:) but I just remember that version of "The River" that's on the Live '75-'85 album. He talks about his Dad for what seems like a good 10 or 15 minutes before the song starts.
Maybe it's just because nothing Bono says anymore is of any interest. He would not fucking shut up before "40" on the Chicago DVD.
i made a rip of that DVD. there are two chapters, one before Miracle Drug and the other before One, which go for about two minutes each. and it's just Bono, talking.

as our concerts come closer i know i won't be complaining but hell, if Bono shut up there'd be room for another two or three songs :lol:
And I hate most people on Interference, so it's all good.

what, really?

I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that Eno can work on two projects at once.

It's not like Chris and Gwyneth fucking tied him up and imprisoned him in the studio, forcing him to work with Coldplay every single day. The man can do other things.

I have no clue if he has worked with U2 on the side, and we haven't heard anything to that effect, but the idea that just because he's working with Coldplay (whose album has no set release date either) precludes him from working with other artists seems ridiculous.

i wouldn't have guessed. :wink:
Maybe it's just because nothing Bono says anymore is of any interest. He would not fucking shut up before "40" on the Chicago DVD.

Oh, he comes up with some interesting shit, alright. I'd venture to say that his spiel the other night about being a robot is the oratorical equivalent of Fez. And introducing Edge as an extraterrestrial being is hardly chatting about the weather (which he does, albeit in song form; see: every Rain/Singin' In The Rain snippet ever). The humorous thing about the Chicago DVD is that I'm fairly positive he had a cold/sore throat during the show. Imagine the exciting setlist possibilities had he been healthy:

1. Vertigo
2. Bono speech
3. Vertigo x2

On the midnight shopping topic, I think I got up at 11 AM to buy a U2 album once. It was Achtung Baby though. Wouldn't do that for anything less.
Every sale counts when you don't have a hit lead single. Pretty soon, Bono's hat will be selling copies out of the back of his private jet.
I have good memories of going to midnight releases for both 'Pop' and 'The Best of 1980-1990' during my high school years...

The Pop release was a pretty big deal here because U2 had announced they were playing SLC for the first time in almost 15 years and there most have been 400-500 people at the Media Play (store similar to Borders or Barnes & Noble; not exactly an Indie record store), but they were giving away tons of free stuff: U2 albums, shirts, posters. I remember getting one of the same promo posters Lazarus spoke of, (basically the Pop cover). Listened to 'Pop' all the way through once before I went to sleep, and the song I woke up with in my head the next morning was 'Gone'. Still my favorite.

Went at midnight for "The Best of 1980-1990" so I could get the 2-disc B-side version. It seems like people were saying The B-sides version was going to be a very limited release, not sure if that ended up being the case.

Like mofo, I don't know of any stores that do the midnight release thing anymore.

But yeah, good U2 times.
Bono's less chatty on this tour.

Although he's replaced the chatting with random moaning, so ..... yeah.

The only chatting I've heard from him was that alien/robot voice thing. Based on that, I'd be entirely ok if he never spoke another word in his life.

UiU, I did the midnight release for Atomic Bomb at the Orem Media Play.
Anyone remember Clap Your Hands Say Yeah/2005? Vampire Weekend could have been them, had Contra been a complete clusterfuck, rather than simply average. I listened to CYHSY's debut again today. It's been a while. I remember it dominating the indie landscape all that year, and I'm still not sure why, but I do think it's worth a modicum of hype. A lot of cute (occasionally great) songs, always ruined by the vocals. Got this one stuck in my head right now:
The first CYHSY album still holds up. "Details of the War" and "Yellow Country Teeth" sound fresh as ever. Can't say the same for Some Loud Thunder, but it certainly wasn't as bad as folks said. Either way, they were better than Vampire Weekend's brand of bullshit.
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