I'm so angry....

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ONE love, blood, life
Dec 30, 2001
the choirgirl hotel
....with this STUPID woman who keeps putting my dog's life in danger.

My Mum knows this woman who always walks her dog in the same place we walk our dog, and sometimes they walk together, and she's always making a fuss of my dog and giving him treats and such.

Sometimes we take our dog to run on the beach, which is usually great because he won't ever run off the beach without us - he just runs around the beach. Only this FUCKING IDIOT WOMAN keeps walking along the road by the beach and whistling to my dog, so he goes running off towards her. He goes running right off the beach and onto a huge busy main road, and I know that one day he's going to run right out into the road and he'll get hit by a car. Apparently she doesn't care about this because she just thinks it's hilarious to see him running away from us.

She's done this like three times now and every time my Mum has asked her to please stop because our dog isn't safe to be by a main road because he tries to chase after cars or he tries to run across roads if he hears a dog barking or children playing on the other side of the road. Only she doesn't listen to us - she keeps doing it anyway and just thinks it's so hilarious to see my Mum running after our dog and trying to stop him running into the road.

So I've said to my Mum that she should stop walking with her because one day she'll call our dog off the beach and he'll run straight into the road and get hit by a car. Only will she do that? NOOOOOO. Of course not. She has to insist that one day this woman is going to listen to her and stop doing this. Despite the fact that she's not listened the last three times she's told her.

I'm SO pissed off about this. I love my puppy so much and I'm SO scared he's going to get hurt, and apparently nobody else gives a fuck about this and thinks I'm just overreacting. Yeah, I'm really overreacting when I say I'd prefer my dog not run in front of a car and be killed. I'm so mad. AHHHH. :madspit: :madspit: :banghead: :censored:
how about a leash?
they're great things to have...and your dog will never be in danger!
food for thought...
a leash would solve everything that is wrong with this picture. IMHO.
i feel strongly about this because everytime i walk my dog (who is ALWAYS on a leash anytime she leaves the house), i have a run-in with a dog that is OFF leash and it pisses me off to NO end. And usually these leash-less dogs are quite aggressive because they think the whole goddamn world is their territory. It's not fair to those just trying to enjoy a fucking walk with their dog.
Leash your dog and all will be solved.
Every dog owner should do the same.
Best advice you'll probably EVER hear...that is IF you love your dog.
mmmBono said:

Leash your dog and all will be solved.
Every dog owner should do the same.
Best advice you'll probably EVER hear...that is IF you love your dog.

I love my dog plenty thankyouverymuch.

He's kept on a leash whenever I walk him, the only time I allow him off his leash is on the beach. The beach I let him run free on is an open space about 200 yards away from any roads or any other people walking dogs, and until this stupid woman started calling him off the beach he'd never once attempted to run away from us. He's a border collie so he needs a huge amount of exercise and he absolutely loves being allowed to run free on the beach.

I also dislike having problems with dogs who aren't kept on a leash when they're out for walks, and for that reason I'd never let my dog off his leash other than on the beach. I just don't see why I should deny him the enjoyment of having a run on the beach simply because this idiot woman has created this problem.

I hope this didn't come across too badly, but I resent someone implying that I don't love my pet because of an assumption they made about my original post.
i'm glad you love your dog...god forbid anyone to own a dog and not love it :) from one dog owner to another. :heart:
i understand your dog's need to run.
border collies NEED to run.
i completely understand.
as does mine.
she's a siberian husky. i cannot begin to tell you the amount of energy she has even at 6 years old....and let me tell you, she NEEDS to run as much as your dog does. :lmao:
but that wont give me a reason to take off the leash at any time, though.
with the leash, i have full control. end of story. no running onto roads....none of this of her hassling people or other dogs.
cuz admit it...that is what they do when off leash...they do end up into trouble sooner or later....they ARE animals...we cannot forget that....unpredictability is the norm.

until i find an ideal place where i can let her run, i won't.
and by ideal, i mean:
a place where there is not even a remote chance that she might upset a person who doesn't like dogs or is afraid of them, or another dog is on leash and therefore will be on guard because they feel restrained (one of the main causes of dog fights)....and no chance of her running away.
Let's face it...I have a husky....they run away...they are famous for it...but that's not the only reason why i leash her.
Not everyone loves dogs. In fact...while on my walks...I bump into too many to mention that have a genuine fear of dogs....the LAST thing i want to do is scare the shit out of someone with my unleashed dog....you can even cause a heart attack in this situation.
And here's yet another reason to leash your dog:
Not all dogs get along....I wish people would realize this....many are territorial and impose that onto other dogs....hmmm...let's see...mix an unleashed dog who's extremely territorial (ie thinks that he owns the beach, etc etc) with a dog that is on a leash (who immediately gets defensive...i know because my dog does this while on leash with other dogs)....and presto! You have the recipe for disaster....i have witnessed this too many times....my dog has been bitten by, growled at, and roughed up by these unleashed territorial dogs.
To be honest....I wouldn't want to step foot on the beach that you frequent with your loose dog. Nope. And this is not saying that your dog would *do* anything.....but still I would not give your dog the benefit of the doubt.
I leash my dog and truely want peace when I go on a walk. The last thing I want to see or deal with is an unleashed dog.
I know they need to run....but hey....then you should consider moving to a farm or something to meet the dog's needs.
Peace...sorry I feel so strongly...but if you had to witness the crap that I've had to endure just trying to walk my dog on a leash...it's frustrating. It really is...
Leashes solve everything.
I really do understand what you're saying, and I'm sorry if I sounded rude or unkind in my first reply - I probably should have waited a few minutes before replying. :D

I agree with everything you've said about not allowing your dog to scare people who are afraid of dogs, or not allowing your dog to fight with other dogs. I keep my dog on a leash 99% of the time for the same reasons. When I take him on the beach I'm SO careful to make sure he doesn't bother anyone - I only go to a part of the beach which isn't used by people sunbathing/playing on the beach, etc. If I see another person or another dog coming onto the beach then I call him to me and put him back on his leash because I don't want him to bother anyone else or have any other dogs bother him. Before I ever let him loose on the beach I took him to an enclosed space to train him to come back to me when I called him - I didn't let him off the leash until I was absolutely sure he'd come back to me.

I don't want to stop taking him on the beach because he loves it. And yes if I could move to a farm or something I'd do so in a minute, but I don't think there's much chance my family can sell our little house and move to a farm any time soon, lol. :) It just annoys me that I've taken him to this beach for 2 years now and never had any problems until this idiot thought it was funny to start doing this. She does think it's funny as well, because she laughed at my Mum running after our dog and said she's "too uptight" about him.

Personally I'm not going to take him to the beach anymore because I don't want to take any risks, even though I think it's ridiculous that my dog has to loose out on something he really enjoys because of this idiot. However, my Mum doesn't feel the same way, she's going to keep taking him on the beach, which is why I'm worried and why I was ranting here anyway.

I can't believe I'm talking this much about my dog...lol, am I obsessed or what? :reject:
Awful as it is, *YOU* are taking the risk and responsibility that something may happen to your dog (or your dog may do something to someone else) if you let it off the leash. I know how much energy these high-strung dogs have to get rid of, but you are risking their safety if you let them go. Not saying you're right or wrong in doing this, but you can't put the blame on someone else if something goes wrong. There are many things that can entice the world's best trained dog away from their owners, if there is no physical way to draw them back.

They do make leashes that have very long leads on them, and very lightweight, so they can run off aways but you still have control. I help my dog get her energy out by letting her run to the end of it, call her back, let her go out again, and so forth.

Here is a leash, it's a Flexi Retractable Leash, can go out to 26 feet:


Yes, this woman should respect your wishes, but obviously she is not listening so you should consider being more cautious while she is around...
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bonosloveslave said:
Awful as it is, *YOU* are taking the risk and responsibility that something may happen to your dog (or your dog may do something to someone else) if you let it off the leash. I know how much energy these high-strung dogs have to get rid of, but you are risking their safety if you let them go. Not saying you're right or wrong in doing this, but you can't put the blame on someone else if something goes wrong. There are many things that can entice the world's best trained dog away from their owners, if there is no physical way to draw them back.

They do make leashes that have very long leads on them, and very lightweight, so they can run off aways but you still have control. I help my dog get her energy out by letting her run to the end of it, call her back, let her go out again, and so forth.

Here is a leash, it's a Flexi Retractable Leash, can go out to 26 feet:


Yes, this woman should respect your wishes, but obviously she is not listening so you should consider being more cautious while she is around...

:lmao: i have one of those flexi leashes :lmao:

with a hyper husky, you need one of those! i swear by them!
In fact, Beth...I do the same thing with my dog...I get her all excited and she runs back and forth on the 25 footer...it's quite hilarious :lol:
Hugs for Fizz :hug:
I truly apologize if I came off as a bitch...if you know me at all...it isn't my nature.
But this leash thing is such a touchy subject with me...if you knew what i've had to go through, you would understand. i live in this neighbourhood where all the dog owners have that "farm mentality"...you know...open the front door and let the dog go type of thing. I'm scared of most of the dogs in my area...since they are allowed to roam free...they tend to be territorial...and apparently i'm invading their "territory" by walking on the street 10 houses down from where they actually live.

there's nothing like the feeling of having some barking, snapping, growling dog that is bolting towards your (leashed) dog at 100mph with no owner in site to control it.

and my dog's instant reaction to these out of control pooches is to FIGHT...damn she's no push over...it's kinda embarrassing actually....but since she's had a handful of bad experiences with loose dogs....I guess I should understand why she does the immediate defensive stance.

needless to say...i've been in regular touch with Canine Control...I've even had to knock on some of my neighbours' doors pleading them to leash up their dogs....i don't want to stop walking my dog -who needs the exercise!!!- out of fear of unleashed dogs....but i have to admit...it has stopped me in the past...just the thought of having to pry 2 dogs fighting all by myself has been enough for me to stay indoors....so literally because others do not take control, and leash their dogs, my dog has missed out on much need "leashed" exercise. It's sad really.

with all the dogs on leashes...everyone is happy, safe...and well, exercised. :D
Get the dog a leash. If you dont want your puppy to be in any danger then thats the simplest solution. :shrug:
I can't read this whole thread, it's been cloudy and raining this past week..no much net time. But I read about dog in danger( I still remember Nicky being killed by a car crossing the road from the beach and that wasover 35 years ago!) and I read "use a leash" Don't take the risk with him Fizz, tell your mum it's not woth the risk. Find somewhere/ a different time that is safer for your dog to run. Maybe this was resolved in the ensuing posts sorry i can't read it all.
But I wanna tell a story...about my Gusto. I took him to the vet a couple of weeks a ago in his "punk regalia" He was mostly a black dog and I thought he looked funky in his red collar and red tartan lead. Unfortunatelt he was put down and hub brought him home in the evening in a body bag. I didn't want to see him before I buried him, but hub and the boys did. Hub told me the vet had folded up his lead and placed it in his mouth, it was firmly clamped in there, he's buried with it.
Dog leads...they can save a LOT of heartbreak.
Good luck..what sort of dog do you have?
I :heart: dogs
Fizzy is it possible to drive to a different section of beach? A part that is secluded and more importantly without this woman? If she walks her pooch at a set time every day, even if you guys can d it later or earlier. It would be a shame to change your dog's routine becuase of one stupid woman.

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