I'm actually Financeguy, guys

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Kieran McConville

ONE love, blood, life
Dec 18, 2001
Hi, Violet
Just thought i'd reveal that, after this long period of getting to know ourselves and each other a little better. I'm actually what I just said, you are paying attention, yes?

I'm actually me. and also. financeguy.
kieran's everything, guys!

he's everyONE!

but not the same, we get to carry each other! :sick:

caisenema, is that you? bateman? lenore? jeffery?

have we all finally happened to each other????

i fear the singularity is upon us!
i think its safe to say the singularity is happening even as we speak, lmjhitman. i'm pretty darn sure it has/is happened to us.

I'm definitely not littlejdesign guys, but I am definitely the rest of you, probably.

Let's ascend to a Randian level of purrr-fectitude, guys. Guys! GUYS!!!!!!!
I am Randian Newman's short fuse.

It's more of a love-hate, self-depricate kinda world, friends.

Mapquest the next non-sequitur while I love LA.

Drinking there is wonderful with Frank O'Hara, but if Atlas keeps shrugging at LA's faults, where will we go?

Ayn Rand McNally's Bran Van 3000 is full.
cujo said:

Ayn Rand McNally's Bran Van 3000 is full.

there'll be room when we drop off the lads for a little drinking in la...

kieran, you always say you're this or that, but how can we be so sure? you've never given ANY proof.

although to be perfectly honest, your political leanings are nearly identical to those of sting2... i guess that one i could probably see as being a true fit. :hug:
I have always thought you were really Zoomerang96.

... with a good keyboard.

edit: double post.

I like this thread so much I posted twice! :happy:
Resolution 1441 said:

Hey there. Talk to me dirty. :flirt:


The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions, in particular its resolutions 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990, 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990, 686 (1991) of 2 March 1991, 687 (1991) of 3 April 1991, 688 (1991) of 5 April 1991, 707 (1991) of 15 August 1991, 715 (1991) of 11 October 1991, 986 (1995) of 14 April 1995, and 1284 (1999) of 17 December 1999, and all the relevant statements of its President,

Recalling also its resolution 1382 (2001) of 29 November 2001 and its intention to implement it fully,

Recognizing the threat Iraq’s non-compliance with Council resolutions and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles poses to international peace and security,

BrownEyedBoy said:
Wouldn´t it be funny if there´s only 5 people in here with a whole bunch of alter usernames?

I'm actually everyone in this thread, except for Resolution 1441, cause that would just be creepy.

I might even be you :hmm:
LikeNoOneBefore said:
I love how it gets reeeeeaaalllllyyy quiet when I say that. :tsk: < That's me shaking my head at myself.

Yeah, it happens.

A lot of folks have an aversion to the Rick James or Lil' Jon references. I think it's called the itis.

BrownEyedBoy said:
Wouldn´t it be funny if there´s only 5 people in here with a whole bunch of alter usernames?

"in here" as in this thread?

or, as in interference?

or, as in the entire internets?


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