I'm a square - Part II

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Ali Rose

New Yorker
Jan 6, 2002
Mpls, MN USA
No real point here..jsut another being a single loser rant...

OK. So theres this guy at my gym...a pretty good looking trainer mind you...that has been talking, slightly flirting with me for quite some time. The guy just refuses to ask me out though. I think hes shy. Either that or I'm totally dreaming and he's not interested at all. And i've practically HAnded my "open" schedule to him on a silver platter...

Well anyways you all know me. I mean i don't care that much, but of all the guys in my life to any extent right now, I'd have to say he'd have been first on my list of people i might go out on a date with if he asked.

so heres the funny story:

Tonight I'm on the Elliptical machine and he sneaks up next to me in mid workout. So I take off my headphones...

TOM: Whatcha listinen to?

ME: U2-best of.

TOM: *scrunches nose*

ME: :ohmy: :no: What you never heard of them?

TOM: yeah. I guess they have a COUPLE good songs

MY INNER MONOLOUGE: :censored: :mad:

ME: So what do you listen to?

(hold on to your hats everyone....*drum roll*)

TOM: Def Leppard. 80's Hair Rock....

ME: *looks around nervously*
So uh...yeah. :shifty: Well I guess i'll see ya tomorrow....*backs away slowly*

So yeah. Whatever.

*crosses Tommy Trainer off list of people to date*

*looks at list of nothing but crossed off guys*

am i too picky? :yes: Is it asking too much to just have a guy that doesn't like DEF LEPPARD? Sheesh. :banghead:
i hate to judge people by their music taste, but is it just me or are you also picturing what a potential "romantic" evening would consist of with him back at his "pad":

cheap booze, a heart-shaped hot tub with leopard and zebra stripe print wallpaper and decor, more cheap booze, and White Snake or Poison blasting in the background while scantily clad girls with bright blue eyeshadow, heavy black eyeliner and bright fushia lipstick are pole dancing in the background, swinging their long 'Aqua Net' teased hair 'round and 'round?
Ali Rose said:
No real point here..jsut another being a single loser rant...

OK. So theres this guy at my gym...a pretty good looking trainer mind you...that has been talking, slightly flirting with me for quite some time. The guy just refuses to ask me out though. I think hes shy. Either that or I'm totally dreaming and he's not interested at all. And i've practically HAnded my "open" schedule to him on a silver platter...

Well anyways you all know me. I mean i don't care that much, but of all the guys in my life to any extent right now, I'd have to say he'd have been first on my list of people i might go out on a date with if he asked.

so heres the funny story:

Tonight I'm on the Elliptical machine and he sneaks up next to me in mid workout. So I take off my headphones...

TOM: Whatcha listinen to?

ME: U2-best of.

TOM: *scrunches nose*

ME: :ohmy: :no: What you never heard of them?

TOM: yeah. I guess they have a COUPLE good songs

MY INNER MONOLOUGE: :censored: :mad:

ME: So what do you listen to?

(hold on to your hats everyone....*drum roll*)

TOM: Def Leppard. 80's Hair Rock....

ME: *looks around nervously*
So uh...yeah. :shifty: Well I guess i'll see ya tomorrow....*backs away slowly*

So yeah. Whatever.

*crosses Tommy Trainer off list of people to date*

*looks at list of nothing but crossed off guys*

am i too picky? :yes: Is it asking too much to just have a guy that doesn't like DEF LEPPARD? Sheesh. :banghead:

awwww lol come on give him a chance! maybe he's trainable;)

def leppard isnt that bad actually:reject:
He called it 80's hair rock! You only do that if you are mocking it!

Ali, you did the right thing!

Imagine if you didn't find this out, and you got stuck on a date with him and halfway through he starts debating with you who had the best hair of the 80's or something? You might have saved yourself from an evening of pain. But then, he may be trainable...
but of all the guys in my life to any extent right now, I'd have to say he'd have been first on my list of people i might go out on a date with if he asked.


I'm.....I'm crushed...:( :sad:

Kidding, kidding! :tongue: :sexywink:

Aaaaaanywho, yeah, anyone who says they listen mainly to 80s hair rock should be watched carefully. :eyebrow: Not that I own any Def Leppard cds or even have any mp3s of theirs, but I think some of their songs are kinda cool to hear every once in a while for the nostalgia and "woah, and this stuff ruled the airwaves back then?" vibe :D. But if that's your main band, then... :eek:

Now if he said Guns N' Roses he might be saveable. ;)
Nah, men who like Guns?n?Roses or Bon Jovi for their music :shocked: I like Jon, for his personality.

Its so funny, I know a girl that likes Billy Idol!!!:lol:
rant rant rant

I sometimes think I am too picky also.

I have come to a possible theory though on why I end up dating or seeing guys that are older than myself (no comments from the Bizcut peanut gallery) is that the type of conversations and depth that I am looking for tends to be more prevalent in an older bracket. I know I act like a goof here and act like a 'boofus" and I can be "excitable" on the phone :)sexywink: @ bizcut) but I have serious conversations (or at least attempt to) INL. If I can't have that need met I feel suffocated and deprived. I don't know if that made any sense. I am some what frustrated now. I get that way when I feel that I can not properly articulate myself or feel that I can not convey what I am trying to say. :mad: I guess that I am trying to say that I have to have an intellectual need met that I do not often find with those in my age group (present company here excluded of course). The funny thing is that Joseph said that he understands that. He said that if I had met him when he was my age I would not have dated him because he was arrogant and ignorant.

Ok. sorry about that rant. I know it did not really have to do with the subject at hand. :reject:
I think that you underestimate men around your age. Means, if you said that about 16 or 19 y.o., I may agree for the most part, but your profile says you?re 23... I think most men grow up somewhere between 20 and 30.

And sorry to say, I think 42 is relatively old for you - depending on what you?re looking for, someone who protects you or an equal relationship?
Actually for those keeping track I am 24

I will agree that Joseph is a rarity and our mutual interest is not what would be called "conventional". Most of the individuals I do end up with are around 28ish with exception of one who was two years older. I don't go looking for older men. It just happens that end up being interested before I know there age. I just don't think it makes much sense to say "Sorry, but because of your age I can't talk to you anymore". I will be damned if I will spend the rest of my days on this earth "what if"ing.

As for those my age. All of the experiences that I have had with those in my age range have not been fruitful and you will be hard pressed to change my mind. It is just frustrating having to speak to a man and them not have any clue what you are talking about and blowing the conversation off and asking how does his new pair of A&F shorts look.

Edited to fix sentence.
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Man thanks guys glad I could make some of you laugh! And no, I'm only half joking - I did continue to carry on a convo with him- not walk away LOL....But really now...Yes i did picture what his room must look like and think about how sucky it would be to not be able to cuddle up with my fave boy and my fave music all together on a cold winters night.....

ME: snuggles up to BF

HIM: *Cranks on the extremely romantic "Pour some Sugar on me*

ME: *shudeder*

Music is my No. 1 hobby and of extreme importance in my life. Therefore if the person I'm with doesn't like ANY of the stuff I like thats kind of a big deal....I mean I have friends even that hate U2 and we get in ALOT of arguments....its sad but true..:crack:

and Diemen, funny you should mention Guns N Roses, cuz when i brought up Welcome to the Jungle he said he didn't care so much for GNR....And BTW he WAS serious when he said 80's hair bands...

*SIGH someday my boy will come. and Diemen do NOT tempt me to come to Cali. You know I will and yer exactly my type plus yer Hella cute.....I know where you live :sexywink: :D
yeah...you certainly did the right thing, I believe

on a related note...
me and friends were having a rant about women the other night.

what has to change is the mentallity in women that "I really like this guy, I hope he asks me out"

why why why why?
where did this all start

Nothing is more frustrating then seeing a girl looking interested at you but knowing that she is just gonna hang out ther eby the bar until the guy comes up to her.
Well, I can't do that

You're awesome Tiffany
and you must believe me when I say that 100% of all nice single guys in the world would leap at the chance if you went up to them.
That Basstrap is a smart guy

Basstrap said:
yeah...you certainly did the right thing, I believe

on a related note...
me and friends were having a rant about women the other night.

what has to change is the mentallity in women that "I really like this guy, I hope he asks me out"

why why why why?
where did this all start

Nothing is more frustrating then seeing a girl looking interested at you but knowing that she is just gonna hang out ther eby the bar until the guy comes up to her.
Well, I can't do that

You're awesome Tiffany
and you must believe me when I say that 100% of all nice single guys in the world would leap at the chance if you went up to them.

I agree with everything said here. :up:
um that's the way it was to begin with Basstrap and Diemen!!!! when did it change??????? :D
TripThruUreWires said:
i hate to judge people by their music taste, but is it just me or are you also picturing what a potential "romantic" evening would consist of with him back at his "pad":

cheap booze, a heart-shaped hot tub with leopard and zebra stripe print wallpaper and decor, more cheap booze, and White Snake or Poison blasting in the background while scantily clad girls with bright blue eyeshadow, heavy black eyeliner and bright fushia lipstick are pole dancing in the background, swinging their long 'Aqua Net' teased hair 'round and 'round?

whats so wrong w this type of scenirio?:angry:
ok- like lose the Poison tunes and White Lion Music
other than that
whats the issue here?;)

diamond said:

whats so wrong w this type of scenirio?:angry:
ok- like lose the Poison tunes and White Lion Music
other than that
whats the issue here?;)


sorry, i sometimes forget that some guys are still turned on by the "Aqua Net" teased hair look.

does this chick turn you on diamond?
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TripThruUreWires said:

sorry, i sometimes forget that some guys are still turned on by the "Aqua Net" teased hair look.

does this chick turn you on diamond?

she like has nice full lips:sexywink:
is that like-Lita Ford?;)

Basstrap said:

You're awesome Tiffany
and you must believe me when I say that 100% of all nice single guys in the world would leap at the chance if you went up to them.

:drool: :love: :sick: :heart: :ohmy: :scream:

Damn this giant continent all to hell.
a total waste of time, your iron lung.

shake hands, he'll want everything,

just cause he can.


they want everything.


suck your teenage thumb. toilet trained and dumb.

when the power goes out -

we'll just HUMMMM

and if your frightened you can be frightened, thats ok.

if your frightened you can be frightened thats ok.

music is too important to me, i think you did the right thing ali. maybe next time you see him, tell him hes absolutely stupid for liking the music he does, and tell him to glen vargas.
Blue_Angel said:
um that's the way it was to begin with Basstrap and Diemen!!!! when did it change??????? :D

Well yeah, that's the way it was in the old school patriarchical society where it was the manly men who chose the dainty women, but we're in a much more modern and equal society nowadays, so why stick with that old sexist practice? :evil: :sexywink:

No, I'm not totally serious about that, but there is some truth to it I think. I think if you like someone, you shouldn't have to sit back and wait for them to notice, according to some antiquated rule of thumb.

I'm not much for the bar scene anyway, and the whole "hi, I don't know you, but you're cute. Let's go out and have dinner sometime" thing just doesn't cut it for me. I like to get to know someone first, and let's face it, the dating game is full of facades of what people want to be seen as, rather than who they really are. Obviously there are exceptions to this rule, and if there's an instant mutual attraction, well, I'd be a fool to sit on it and not do anything, but yeah. :huh:

If you're really attracted to someone, I don't think you should have to wait for them to make the first move, regardless of gender.

:sigh: And now's the part where I should swallow my own medicine and not sit on my feelings for too long. But I'm getting better, I swear! :)
Basstrap said:
yeah...you certainly did the right thing, I believe

on a related note...
me and friends were having a rant about women the other night.

what has to change is the mentallity in women that "I really like this guy, I hope he asks me out"

why why why why?
where did this all start

Nothing is more frustrating then seeing a girl looking interested at you but knowing that she is just gonna hang out ther eby the bar until the guy comes up to her.
Well, I can't do that

You're awesome Tiffany
and you must believe me when I say that 100% of all nice single guys in the world would leap at the chance if you went up to them.

Agreed. Hi Bassy :wave: what about the tour
hehe no, I totally agree with you Diemen. I was just kidding because well I'd rather have guys do the asking :D

you're right though :)
I don't know if I could ask a man flat out on a date. I would have a fear of rejection. I am generally an outspoken person but shy and apprehensive about certain things. I feel bad for men in a way because they are stereotypically the ones who are the askers and they have to go through the whole rejection process.
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